
2042. Breath and Let It Grow | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Today Is the first day of 2022. Our Sangha wishes you a happy new year. Happy new year. With this very special moment we wish all the good things grow by themselves. Mindfulness breathing techniques to be with the Buddhas in the ten directions. Receive a good energy and let it grow through our breathing techniques every day. Today our Sanga will be chanting the seven mantras and offer our best merit energy to all. May all be peaceful happy, healthy and enjoy life. May all suffering be gone. May all sentient beings no longer suffer by any means.

Let’s put your hands together. Right hand on top of the left. Today we are just chanting meditation breath.

For those that this is the first time you see this, you breathe in through your nose carry it down to your lower body. Hold it there for three seconds.  Breathe out sunken you belly, chanting along with us.

Thinking about all our loved ones. Community, Sangha, society, friends, at this moment. Let go of everything. Just love.

We breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, we breathe out, sunken our belly, we are chanting the seven mantras. All of them together one after another. Just follow along with us.

Mu A Mu Sa; Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng; Ma Xa Op Ue; Xa Bi Mo U;  Sa U Sa U Ba The A Um; Nam Mo SaKa Buot Te, Nam Mo SaKa Buot; Ethe Ethe Sammatha (7x)

May all the Buddhas from ten directions always bless us. Help us to be strong and stand upright. May all be activated the compassion and receive a good energy from the Buddha all the time. May our wisdom light up for us to know the truth that all things are impermanent, suffering, and there is no I.

May the Buddha awaken us to know the truth of all suffering. May the Buddha nature be activated for us to know the real life. May all the suffering be gone. May there be no fear, and we all learn to forgive each other. We sincerely say happy new year, and send our merit energy to all. On behalf of our Sangha Su Co Bao Co will speak a few words to share with you.

I wish you a very happy new year in 2022. Bring peace, courage, strength in this very difficult time. Where you find courage in your heart to go through time and space with compassion, with love, with understanding     and we are all together united moving through time and space. May you all be blessed and follow the light and the wisdom of the enlightened ones, very, very happy.

We all know, living on this earth. Living together with our family, and the society. Sometimes it is very happy. Sometimes it is not at all. It is just because we cannot settle down the differences between each other. It’s a new year. We return back to our Buddha nature, and we ask for help from the Buddha and bodhisattvas  to wake us up now to know the truth of what we have done that cause each other suffering. Most important is to learn how to listen to each other sincerely. If we are very eager to just talk about what is full in our chest, we slowly distance ourselves from each other. Not just between one and another, but also between us and Buddha. Between the living thing we are so busy, and the Buddha nature. Meditation is the art of living spiritually.  Through the mindfulness breathing technique and the mantra you will know yourself much better every year, and every moment of your life. Through the past years, so many struggles, so many loved ones never see them again. Still the covid is covering the entire world, spreading fear, yes. We learn to live with the covid for two years already and still move towards those kind of fears. But we shouldn’t be afraid. In this new year, we ask all of you if you are around Frederick you can come to our meditation hall to meet me directly, or Su Co Bao Co, or you can text us, or talk on the phone.

If you are very far away, YouTube is a very good channel to meet each other. We are here every Saturday from 7:00 am to 7:30 Am. To practice, to activate the compassion and wisdom, And share s a little to guide us through the week. But most important we practice. Because practice is very important. When we practice together every one of us fills with the energy flow. And fill will the connection between all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The energy we receive helps us to purify and transform our negative energy. Today is the first day of the new year. We want to have a very good energy to start the new year with the good hope, through the practice so we can make all our hopes to become truths. Let’s practice together.

The very first mantra we practice Mu A Mu Sa to activate and connect with all the Buddhas to receive the compassion energy. It is really important. If you connect with the compassion energy, you know how to step back for others to cherish their life. The second mantra, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. It is the wisdom mantra, helping us to know that everything is impermanent. When we hold onto the impermanent, it creates suffering. Hold on to the I, we create more attachment, more ego, more ignorance. Buddha is teaching us to meditate all of those to release and transform. Especially in the new year we refresh our energy by connecting with the Buddha. What we say today is to just breathe and let it grow. Return back to the very basic breathing techniques in and out. Listen to your breathing techniques, listen to it, breath in and out. Especially, you do not just practice for yourself, but also offer you energy to all of your loved ones. Whoever you are thinking of through out all of your time of practice they all receive a very good energy. The best gift for the new year, our Sangha offered to all by chanting the seven special mantras and offer the energy to all of you. We always thinking about all of you through the practice. We always connect to all of you through the practice and through all the Buddhas.  Let all the suffering from the past go away and be with the good future by practicing.

Breath, just breathe, your breath is important. Breathing and letting it grow is really important. Once again we are going to chant  the seven mantras. We all connect together an allow ourselves to be transformed and let go of everything from the last moment or the last year. Let’s breathe and let it grow.

We breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, we breathe out, sunken our belly, we are chanting the seven mantras. All of them together one after another. Just follow along with us.

Mu A Mu Sa; Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng; Ma Xa Op Ue; Xa Bi Mo U;  Sa U Sa U Ba The A Um; Nam Mo SaKa Buot Te, Nam Mo SaKa Buot; Ethe Ethe Sammatha

Thank you all. That is all we do. Practice, Practice and practice.

May all the Buddhas from the ten directions bless us all in a happy new year.



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