
Buddha’s Birthday or Vesakha Day

Buddha’s Birthday or Vesakha Day

Sunday, June 3, 2018
10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

The Program goes as follows:

  • 10:30 AM: Opening Ceremony
    with Offerings of Music and Dance
  • 11:00 AM: Buddhist Service
  • 11:45 AM: Taking of Refuge to the Triple Gem
  • 12:00 PM: Traditional Bathing of Baby Buddha
    followed by Dana Offering to Monks and Nuns
  • 12:30 PM: Vegetarian Lunch

The most popular Buddhist holiday or Vesakha Day, honors the three major events in the life of the Buddha, his Birth, his Enlightenment and his Passing. There will be chanting, teaching,  blessing ceremony and the Bathing of the Baby Buddha.  It is a very joyous and happy occasion for all people to experience.  It is a time for celebration, for personal reflection and a time to enjoy with the family and the community.
The event is free of charge. Your donation is gratefully accepted helping Xa Loi Temple to continue its mission of study and teaching the Dharma for the well being of all sentient beings. In advance Thank You! Your gift is greatly appreciated.  Metta and Blessings to all.

Chua Xa Loi Temple & Meditation Center
6310 Manor Woods Rd. Frederick MD 21703
240-551-1923 or 301-792-1095



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