
3017. The Right Ones Stay

Good Morning, dear all my friends. Today is Saturday. We practice meditation together to purify our minds and connect with all the Buddhas to receive a good energy. The right time to do it now. Let’s sit down and be ready.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni may all the sentient being be free of suffering, and may all of us be blessed by the Buddha. May peace be in the universe. May all be awakened.

Let’s put your right hand on top of the left hand and sit down. Just relax. The way we do meditation every Saturday, open to the public to guide everyone who has the right time to be with us to cultivate and activate our good energy. The positive and good energy flow within when we connect with all the Buddhas. It is really helpful. All we do watching the energy flow within just like watching the water flow down the river. What makes you suffer, what makes you feel uncomfortable, all you have to do is just relax. Watching your breath, watching the energy flow, and let it flow. Everything will be alright.

The right thought, the positive thought will stay. That is what we are talking about today. The right ones stay. The wrong ones will move away. With the mantra we are chanting at the same time we do the mindfulness breathing technique. All those mantras are very powerful because it connects us with the Buddha. Awaken our buddha nature. Mu A Mu Sa is the compassion mantra, the healing mantra for all those who suffer. Mu A Mu Sa will heal all. Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, the mantra of the wisdom for us to see through all the darkness within. The Mantra, Ma Sa Up Ue, awakens us for us to be fully awake to know the truth. By chanting this mantra, we all receive a good energy flowing within us physically and mentally. Let’s together receive the energy now through the practice and offer it to all our loved ones.

Remember the technique how we do every Saturday. You breathe in through your nose. You carry down to the lower body, and you are expanding your belly. You hold it right there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point which is in the front of the tail bone. Then you breathe out, you sunken your belly, you chant the mantras. That is all you do in a mindful way. You will feel the energy flow. Mindfulness meditation with the mantra is very powerful. Let all the suffering transform. Let the special transmission happen. Let all the energy flow that we could connect with all the Buddhas.

Let’s begin.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantra, connecting with the Buddha and receive the energy.

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

We just relax. Observing the energy flow. When we breathe in and breathe out in very mindful way, no judgement, just breathe. The mindfulness breathing techniques is the way Buddha guides us to return back to the nature, we call the Buddha nature.

The mantra incorporates with for us to connect with the Buddha and receive the energy to transform ourselves. Most of the time we are very hurried, jump in with judgements to verify if something is wrong or right.  That is what and why we create suffering for ourselves and for others. Meditation helps us to relax, to not make any judgements about wrong and right, but to be ourselves and just relax, watch. Everything that you see in form of form or in form of emptiness, all are impermanent. Never exist forever. It comes and it goes. By watching our thoughts, and bless ourselves by no judgement, very helpful because the energy will flow in a very peaceful way. Look at the river, the water flows, all things float on the top of the water will be gone, will be taken away by the flow of the water. All the rocks will sink down and stay no matter what. The right ones stay. The right thoughts stay. The positive thoughts stay. The wrong ones, the negative thoughts, energy, will be removed away from ourself. There is nothing for us to do except relax. Relaxation is really important.

Fear is created because we always hold on for what we want and reject what we don’t want. Therefore, when someone is talking about something, or we see other people’s actions, fear is created because we think they talk bad, they do something to harm ourselves. We are jumping, incorporate with the negative energy, negative thought, and create so much trouble for ourselves. The nature of the universe and the nature of the Buddha within us is always in the process of purifying to remove negative energy, negative thoughts away. All we need to do is connect with the Buddha and be with the mindfulness breathing techniques at the same time chanting the mantra to maintain the highest energy that we receive from the Buddha. That is all we need to do. Nothing else. It is very simple, very easy for us to practice.

Mu A Mu Sa is very powerful mantra. It is powerful because it activates our compassion energy, and also the energy from the Buddha. All the enlightened ones will share their compassion energy with us and bless us.  We meditate on compassion energy it means healing meditation. Look deep inside. Let’s see what caused the suffering. All what causes suffering is just because we promote the “I” too big.  We hold on to our thoughts, we allow the negative thought to raise up and produce more suffering for ourselves. The nature of our own attachment always converts other people’s actions and thoughts into the way we think we don’t like. The compassion energy, Mu A Mu Sa helps us to love, to forgive. The compassion energy is so strong that it naturally purifies all. The right thoughts stay, the positive thoughts always stay with us. The negative, the wrong ones, will be removed naturally. There is nothing we have to do. After the rain, for awhile the river will purify itself. Our thoughts, the Buddha’s thoughts, we call the compassion thoughts, naturally purify, and crystalize our minds.

Let’s not worry about other people. How they talk, how they do things, but watch how we are meditating. By following the breathing technique in and out and just relax. Chanting the compassion mantra Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. We will all be ok and fine. Stop making any judgements about others. Stop increasing up our rejection. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is there for a lesson that we could learn from. Don’t spend too much energy and time to reject to push away what we dislike, what didn’t match with our thoughts, the way we do things. They are there for a reason. But for our thoughts to be still. Our minds to be stable, we need to practice. Otherwise all those things are very easy to push and spin us around until we are tired and fall.

 The question is why do we make ourselves suffer by always jumping into any judgement about all the things surrounding us. Enjoy the nature of all. Enjoy the friendship with all people who surround you. Open up our minds. Don’t close up the gate. Allow the water to flow. The right ones stay. The wrong ones will be removed. We don’t need to do the job to clean up or to push people away from our life. As long as we stay with the positive thoughts. As long as we are compassionate. As long as we practice to maintain the special connection with all Buddhas. Connecting with all the Buddhas helps us to be strong. Yes, the right ones stay as long as you maintain your compassion, your wisdom, and keep yourself fully awakened. Be aware, alert. That is all you do. Then you will be able to enjoy your life. Let’s enjoy. Life is wonderful.

Why let all the things out there from others bother us? Inner peace will be activated if we return back inward. Through the meditation practice. We all find inner peace. Inner peace, not out there. Inside. No one can provide or give you anything especially for peace. You have to do it. Inner peace is the way Buddha came and taught us. Meditation is the way we do every Saturday is called healing meditation. All the mantras we chant are healing sounds. The vibrations will increase up and purify our negative energy and hold back for the positive thought and let it increase the benefit for our life. Let the nature take care of itself. Let’s not worry to much. Breathe in and out and relax. Everything will be fine as long as we maintain the practice. The transmission will be enough for us to receive the energy. The right one will stay; the wrong ones will be removed. The good rock still sinking down to the floor of the river and be shaping slowly to be a good shape. Let it flow. Let’s make no  judgement. Let’s relax. Let’s not hold on for what we want and reject what we dislike. Things happen for a reason, for a lesson, let’s learn to be with the nature. Return back to the breathing techniques please.

Buddha, please bless us. Bless all our loved ones for all of us to be peaceful and enjoy our life. Let us make no judgements but forgive each other. Let the friendship still in a purer way. Let the right ones stay in our life. Let us enjoy by doing meditation. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering.

Breathe in, expanding our bellies, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly chanting the mantra receiving the energy.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Thank you for practicing with me every Saturday. Our meditation is healing meditation. May all the suffering from you be gone. Thank you very much and have a good weekend.



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