
3016. Voice of The Thoughts

Good morning, Welcome to the meditation class with me every Saturday. Time to practice meditation. Listen to the bell and we will start. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and may all of us and our loved ones be blessed by the Buddha to be peaceful, happy and enjoy our lives. Healthy

Put the right hand on top of the left hand. Sit in a comfortable position.

Buddha said, cultivate our wisdom to see through all our attackers to go beyond, to be free and activate our compassion to heal ourselves and others.

Sitting down and being one with the mindfulness breathing technique watching our thoughts ourself, and allow the compassion energy to flow within, all the wisdom to light up, awaken ourselves to be connecting to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to know ourselves better.

Let’s begin by connecting with all the Buddhas to transform ourselves, for those who are new, just follow and listen to your body. We are chanting three mantras. Compassion mantra Mu A Mu Sa, wisdom mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, and the awakened mantra Ma Sa Op Ue. Those three are helping us to connect with all the Buddhas and also for us to return back to the nature of how we are. We all are going to fill with the energy vibrations within the physical mental and spiritual states.

All we do is just allow it to flow and watch. Allow all our thoughts to flow with that to me transformed.  Allow our love to be one to grow. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold It there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken our bellies, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra and receive the energy.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Dear all my friends meditation is the way that we all need to practice in order to transform our lives. It is not what we just there and purchase it by what we want to do. So many ways and methods of doing meditation. Meditation is now adays the way that most will practice for health, and to balance our thoughts, our energies, and also to maintain our positive life. Could think that meditation is a way of exercising, good for health. But we all need to take it seriously and take the action to practice. Not just talk, or think or remember.   Our method is working with the energy through the mantra. Very powerful mantra. Powerful means that we receive the energy from buddha, we connect with all the Buddhas, that Buddha will cultivate our compassion our wisdom and our energy and activate them to make it work to benefit for our life. There is energy flowing within us when we practice. The energy source comes from the Buddha and awakens our Buddha nature to be one which we are all filled with. 

Very pure energy. Healing energy. Through the inner peace energy that is within. It is wonderful We fill with that. Now if you are there with me on your phone or your computer, you practice with me now you relax. Let go of everything. You will fill with the vibrations that now flow within you.  Just let the energy flow with no guiding, no driving, Love, compassion, wisdom and awakening be there all together We just need to receive and allow to be free to transform. The transmission will always be there with us. There is nothing else we have to sit on the drivers seat and convert it to whatever we want…no, just let it flow.

What we are talking about today is “Voice of the Thought” many people hear a voice inside their heads. Don’t know why. Psychologist say it is because your brain is week, or has a disorder, need to take medication to calm the mind. That is always true, yes. There is also the way because every one of us clings on the I too much. So therefore when our emotional created by the interaction with others we hold on to that too much and we put ourself too high. We hurt ourselves. All the thought, the information is in our minds echoes creates the voice and we hold on for that to find something to cling on to say that we are right, they are wrong. The energy is because of that get’s stuck, does not flow. Our thoughts slowly get deluded, not clear. Our sadness slowly opens up and blocks all kinds of good thoughts.  All we know and fill with is anger. Slowly we walk into that and incorporate with that feeling then we make ourselves more suffering second by second. Voice of the thoughts is very dangerous. We are always seeking for something to hold onto to protect ourselves or just make ourselves more important. We are seeking in the past to carry out, to claim that we are right, there is something wrong with the other. In mediation we try not to practice becoming the judge, to make the judgement of others. But Just see ourselves in a very natural way. We don’t live by our desire. But we let the nature of who and how with the Buddha nature within be one with all and relax. The more we relax the more energy that we receive from the Buddha the more we relax and just watch, our brains will be more relaxed, our physical body will be more relaxed, calm and relaxed. It is really important for our health. We are sick, we are tired, we are sad because we cannot relax. It is really important for everyone. By listening to the energy flow when we are chanting the powerful mantras, Mu A Mu Sa, compassion, Na Mo Ta MO Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Wisdom mantra, and Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Hough will activate the different kinds of energy that flow within us very humbly.

We just need to be one, and listen to it and allow it to flow. You will notice that the special transmission will start and a lot of good information will come to you. But first. Don’t hold on for anything. Just let it free to be. Even your thought dig into that and make the thought to become the voice to say you are right or wrong or the other is wrong or right. Buddha said, in the second mantra, there is the wisdom to see through all Phenomena is impermanent and no I. If we don’t understand, our Ego grow and always thing that everything is permanent and we create more suffering for ourselves. That is why the second mantra, Na Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, means like lighting up the candle for us to see through the darkness so we can see thing clearer. This is powerful in the meaning which is helping us to see through what we cannot see, to release, to let go, to transform and get beyond.

With per perception of no I, no one can hurt us. No emotion can make us sad. So this week I ask all of my friends to remember don’t dig in your thoughts and make your thoughts become the voice in your mind. It is very dangerous, it makes you crazy. No matter what people say to you, no matter what action that you witness, no matter what thought arises when you associate with others or just naturally within you the second mantra says so clear it is all impermanent. It is just there for a second and then is gone forever. Impermanence is the art of living.

Don’t hold on to anything but let yourself to be free to be joined with the nature of the Universe. Buddha knows exactly the cause of suffering. It is because we think everything is permanent, we are not sure. Now Buddha says, everything is impermanent. You have to be SURE.  EVERYTHING is impermanent. Therefore nothing will exist forever. Don’t let your sadness push yourself down to the bus. Let form grow up like the lotus, Let the Sun rise. And watching the sunset. Just relax. Not because the sunrises and sunsets. Up or down is just a perception of how we think. The Sun still is how it is. We are the Buddha nature within still. No up and no down, but our sadness feeling up and down because we label each other and wish we think we are always perfect. No one is perfect at all, but yes together turn back to the nature and we slowly see ourselves in a the perfect way of no longer having an I. Know for sure that everything is impermanent. Don’t hold onto anything to make you feel bad. Let go to enjoy our lives.

Voice of the thought is very dangerous. Let’s transform that voice to become the three mantras we practice. The compassion, the wisdom, and the awakened mantra. That voice is much better then the other voice. Let’s restart and recharge our battery. Let’s have a full energy to make ourselves stand stable and keep moving forward rather than just moving backward. Withdrawing ourselves out of whatever you have been doing you make yourself to become one who is very easy to surrender. We don’t surrender. We move on to transform, and we know each other well because we practice every day. There is nothing to prevent us to move forward. There is nothing to break us away except ourselves that does not have a great spirit energy to move forward.

That us return to the breathing technique and let the mantra work by transforming the energy into your physical mental and spiritual for us to know yes, we are still how we are. Let us rejoin with the peacefulness within each other.

May all the Buddhas bless us, and bless our loved ones. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering, and may all of us rejoin to the peacefulness within, forgive each other and never surrender.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it right there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken our bellies, chanting the mantras and receive the energy from the Buddha.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Thank you all. Just 30 minutes. But a very wonderful because we get back together and we all transform our lives. Thank you for practicing every Saturday. You can be in touch with me by calling 301-792-1095 or come to the headquarters of in Frederick Maryland and go to the website on the screen to get more information.

Thank you.



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