
3013. The Moment of Truth

Good Morning. Time for us to sit down together and do meditation. Let us sit in the position you feel comfortable. Together we will pray.

Namo Shakyimuni. May all of us be free of suffering, be blessed by the Buddha. Put your right hand on top of your left hand, sit down and relax.

Relaxing every day with mindfulness breathing techniques is very helpful. It reduces our tensions. It helps us to find peace within. It balances our energy. It helps us to be more deeply in touch with our families and  friends in a peaceful way. In our meditation techniques we uses mindfulness breathing techniques in and out very slowly. When we breathe in we breathe in through our nose, carry it down to our lower body, expanding our body. We hold it there for three seconds and focus on the heaven gate point which is in front of the ending bone. Then we release. We sunken our belly. We breathe out and chant the mantra together.

The three mantras: First is the compassion mantra; Mu A Mu Sa. It helps us to connect with the Buddhas in the ten directions to receive a greater compassion energy. When we chant this mantra the compassion energy from the Buddha will activate, connect and transform and transmit to ourselves so we can be filled with physically, mentally and spiritually.

The second mantra: Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, is wisdom. The wisdom is there. The buddha light the tip of the candle of our own wisdom. When we are lighting up we see impermanence, when we attach to the impermanent it creates suffering. Also it shows there is no I to cling to.

The third mantra: Ma Sa Up Ue, Awakened energy. It really works, because it is helping us to receive a greater energy every second we breathe in and out. It is good to practice, and test this out to know it is good for health.

What we are talking about today is the moment of truth. But first let the moment of truth happen right here now with the breathing technique we are going to do seven times with the three mantras together.


Breathe in, expanding our belly. Hold it right there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Just relax and keep doing the breathing technique in a silent way. Observing the energy, listening to your body and your thoughts, your mind. Whatever is happening, whatever is now that you could be conscious of. Just be with that no matter what.  We make no judgement. A moment to just be with ourselves, our mind our thoughts our spirit.

The moment of truth means no judgement, no action, no thought, no talking. Just be silent and observing in between heaven and earth that we are here. Just be that. We don’t need to inject anything to make more meaning. Just to make it look more beautiful according to what we think. We don’t do that. The moment of truth is just relaxed. And turn back to the breathing technique in and out. Allow the body to be free of your thoughts, your actions, and verbally. Language that we talk.

With the mantra Mu A Mu Sa, it is very special. The word Mu A Mu Sa came from the Buddha. It means energy, compassion energy. We don’t have to gie more definitions to the word Mu A Mu Sa. It is just compassion, that’s all. But energy.

When we are chanting Mu A Mu Sa, we all are receiving the energy. We all cultivate our own energy to connect with all the Buddhhas. Buddha means awakened. Awakened means Ma Sa Op Ue. So when we are chanting the third mantra Ma Sa Op Ue we invite all the awakened ones, the enlighted ones to be with our life. Just like when we invite the sun and all the star here with us to see through. It is beautiful. It is beautiful to meet the Buddha. Buddha means awakened, and once again awakened means Ma Sa Op Ue.

We don’t need to carry in our mind with anything that is being fed by other people. The truth of the moment that we connect with the nature within us, we call the Buddha nature. The Buddha nature itself has a light, true wisdom, that is helping us to see through everything. Don’t reach out, but step in more to know who we are. It is very powerful when we let go of everything and return back to who we are. At the moment we no longer make any judgements or label ourselves as good or bad. It doesn’t matter. Be truthful to who we are.

Mindfulness breathing techniques bring us back to who we are naturally. Don’t push too much. Just be relaxed. When we practice we breathe in slowly. Be mindful of it from the very beginning to the end. We are expanding our belly slowly too. Not hurried. Allow the energy to follow the breathing technique. Your breath carries down lower. You fill with the energy there. We need the energy for our life, but should be good positive energy. When we are mindful with our breath it is very helpful, very good. The three mantras are more powerful than regular breathing that we do. When we breathe in with the mantra, our breath carries more energy from the Buddha into us. It I wonderful. The process of the healing through this meditation method happens right in front of your face. You could see, you could experience. You feel healthier. Your mind is clearer and your spirit is brighter.

Don’t’ try to decorate ourself in which way we think is best. Meditation means return back to who and how we are from the beginning. The original self. With no man made. When we are able to do that, the moment of truth will happen. We feel full of energy, flowing within us, and we also are able to connect with all the universe. Through these wisdom, compassion and awakened energy. We all are not perfect, but we get a little bit better every day, to perfect our vision about ourselves, not about others. We don’t have to make judgements about others our ourselves. Let it free to be and connect with the Buddha and receive the energy. This helpful for yourself, and we can offer our energy while we practice now at the moment we practice right here we could offer our energy. Me Eileen, and Jim together we can offer our entire energy to all people. Whoever you are thinking of, you parents, your children, family, friends. The energy of all of us can be offered to all. It is unlimited because we connect with the Buddha, the source of the enlighted energy. So when we practice, not just ourselves, but for our entire family, loved ones. In Buddhism, we offer to all sentient beings so none suffer physically, mentally and spiritually. We need time for ourself to return back to the moment of truth, to receive and to offer at the same time the energy to all to be peaceful

The reason we practice every Saturday is to offer. We are encouraging all of you to practice to offer our energy to all. Life is suffering. It would be very selfish if it was just for ourselves. Life will be very happy if we offer to each other a good energy every second o our lives.

We just need to relax. We just need more time to relax. We need more time to be in touch with the moment of truth. Just the moment of truth that happened will increase up unlimited energy within us tha we can offer to all. It is ot hard. It is easy. If you take on that action and practice, not just listen.

We now ask all of you to meditate on your family, your parents, your family members, your loved ones. Let our energy flow and connect with them all.

You know tomorrow is Fathers’ day. We are thinking about our fathers. All the fathers around the world. We connect with all the Fathers. We offer to our Fathers’ our mind, our energy. We ask the Buddha to connect with all the fathers and bless them.

We always pray for all the fathers to be happy and healthy.

Just thinking about our Fathers. That the energy from the Buddh will be offered to him right away. Our mind, meeting up with the moment of truth is very powerful. Meditation is very powerful way for us to connect with all together. With the compassion, wisdom and awakened mantra when we chant

It will be more powerful to deliver the energy to our fathers and our loved ones.

Let’s together we chantingthe manta. May all the fathers around the world always receive a good energy from Buddha and be bless from the awakened ones, to be peaceful, healthy and happy. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra and offer our energy to all our fathers.

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue.

Thank you. That is all we do every Saturday. Connecting to all the enlighted ones, to all Buddhas. To awaken ourselves and benefit our lives, and offer our energy for our Families and loved ones. Happy Father’s Day Jim. Thank you for coming and thank you for practicing with us, and I welcome you every Saturday. Thank you very much and have a good weekend.



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