
3012. Transmission Is Here

Good morning It is Saturday, we practice meditation together. Let’s sit down in a position that you feel comfortable. Put your hand together let us start.

May all the sentient beings being free of suffering and receive a great compassion energy from our buddha to lighting up the wisdom and awaken inner peace, may the peace in the world will be created by all the leaders and stop the war.

Put your right hand on top of the left hand and just relax. What we practicing today is focused on the transmissions. Transmission is here for our life. It’s not tomorrow it’s not yesterday but it’s here now. Let’s be humble and receive.

In our meditations we call mindfulness breathing techniques with the special mantra power that received from all Buddha helping us to know ourselves much better and receive the special transmissions from all Buddhas directed to earth every second of our life. For those is new remember we have three mantras chanting along with the breathing technique the first one Mu A Mu Sa, meaning compassion. The second one Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, meaning the wisdom to know all things impermanent, suffering and no I. The third one is Ma Sa Op Ue, meaning awaken. By chanting these three mantras, it is very powerful because all the Buddhas happiness breakthrough all the delusion for us to see through all what’s beyond. It is really helpful.

While we chanting we breathe in through our nose and carry down to lower body there we are expanding our belly and we hold just for three seconds and then we breathe out we sunken our belly very slowly and chanting the mantra at that moment the transmissions will be happening that all of us receive the energy.

There are many different ways to receive the energy so whatever has happened that you feel the energy flow within your body you all need to just receive it and relax watching it and let it be that’s all. You will experience a very good time. Now let’s practice.

Breathe in expanding the belly, hold right there for three seconds, concentrate write a heaven gate point, breathe out sunken the belly, and chanting the mantra slowly:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

We just keep continuing to meditation ourselves. Just breathe in and breathe out very slowly and chanting in very silent way, receiving the energy being with yourself now.  Transmissions is here that is the truth and that’s also the nature of all things within the compassion mind the wisdom will be lighting up awakening us in a very good way for us to transform our suffering. By knowing the truth of what caused our suffering.

We always looking for what will happen in the future by digging back to the past and forgiving ourselves. This is the mistake because we forget to live now. I know at Xa Loi temple in Frederick for many years. Recently about a month or more we have a special group very dedicated to transform the temple land into a beautiful flower garden which leading by Su Co Bao Co, Eileen, and the monk living here.

Some parts are very easy that they see the shovel and dig the hole put a new dirt and plant the flower. In order for the plant to grow the plant needs to have a root not just by the branch they need to water and taking care until the roots of the plant growing down. As long as the moment they plant, the transmission is there for that flower the transmissions of the mother earth, of the universe of the nature. When they plant the transmissions happen right away. The earth doesn’t wait until the next day. It’s always happens right away. So, the plant is connected with the nature by the root and yes absorbing the energy through the rain good weather and good air the flowers here today at the temple.

Some parts of the garden  are not all easy to plant because there is a lot of gravel and a lot of stone. They have to use the tool to drill down actually 10 inches and keep it down little bit more then they the plant. Even though gravel is there but the drilling machine is strong enough to drill down and the flowers have been planted. You can see the new flower garden in the temple now. It’s beautiful not ready to see all but if you see the old garden you will see the new garden will be but right now with me some very small flowers have been shown that i could see the most beautiful of those flowers and I see threw that and i know all the people from our community volunteer in our sangha made a great effort to plant.

I share this story for all to understand the transmissions is always here with all would need a goal and need a special vision to ,ee through what you need to do and make the special determination to do it. Not just wish not just think about it. You have to take a real action. When you’re taking action the transmissions will be appear that’s all the connections will be there and the receiving energy from mother earth you know right away. By seeing all the flowers now I know that.

In meditation it is the same. When every individual makes this special goal to achieve the healing physical, mental and spirits. All three, physically, mentally and spiritually and we take real action by practicing. That determinations is helping us root down deep on earth. The root of our action is the vision that we see, we want to transform our suffering transform from sadness, from anger, from negative energy to pure energy.

We transform it we transform from one place to a different place and we transform it by receiving the special transmission energy from the mother earth. So when we practice meditation at the moment we sit down we know that now we want to look deep into ourselves. Not just looking for a good bu  look at whatever within and be willing to roll up our sleeves, dig out the earth plant a good seed, a good plant a good flower. they call in buddhism the term the lotus flower meaning that from whatever we have done wrong, as long as we cultivate the compassion the wisdom connecting with all Buddhas to awaken ourselves. In that land we fill all that dirty negative actions we have done and what will grow up is the lotus. That is what Buddhism is about. That is what meditation is about.

Meditations doesn’t choose the good person but a person who chooses meditation to practice transforms themselves to be better every day and perfect themselves every day through the realizations of what caused the suffering and take the real action to practice and transform. Some days it is very easy because there is no gravel there we just dig and plant. But somedays it’s very hard we have so much gravel of suffering of misunderstanding of what causes us to feel uncomfortable with the people who we know every day or the stranger who has just come. All kinds of sensationsm emotions. It builds up just like gravel very hard today. It takes a lot of energy.  The drill really helps. The drill really helps. I see it is true here at the temple Eileen could drill down the monk can drill down 10 inches of gravel to plant.

We have a very special tool.  The real drill we call the real spiritual drill through the three mantras: Mu A Mu Sa, means compassion, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, wisdom, Ma Sa Op Ue, meaning awakened. These three mantras, just like the special drill with the very superpower energy run through with no emissions at all, very clean, very clear. No matter who and how you are take the real actions the lotus will be grown it’s beautiful.

Nowadays if you come to our temple in Frederick, you will see a new garden. If you take the real action you will experience the new garden of your own spiritual living grow within healing. Our meditation is the healing meditation. We all suffer by many different way still bothers still suffers. It’s good to make a better choice to transform no matter how suffer we are. it’s okay a great suffering if take the real action to practice it will turn into a good benefit from life.

We have to see what caused the suffering and take the real action by practice Meditation.  Mu A Mu Sa is  helping us to connect with all the  buddhas to receive the compassion energy which is so powerful. It allows us to realize all mistakes or what wrong that we made and it heals. The healing take part right there at the moment we breathe in and out chanting that mantra. The energy flows. The Buddha is so close within, not too far away. He’s here, he the Buddha himself always here with us. Buddha means awaken. Awaken means Ma Sa Op Ue. But that happened through the wisdom of Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. By practicing like this we realize all phenomena is impermanent. If we hold on to that we’ll suffer. The more we hold on to what we think is permanent, the more suffering we create. The ego gets bigger, we create more of our own self character and hold on to that character to remain forever.

Then more suffering will arise.

Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng helps us  to receive a better energy for us to see through to understand all things are impermanent. Suffering always exists if we hold on to that and then our ego the character of our own self will be created and that more suffer coming by understand no I, impermanence and suffering, we have a better life better living. Now every moment of our life we can take the real actions by practice now and healing ourselves, caring for ourselves, loving ourselves, and helping ourselves to put all things together and be ready to be peaceful all the time and share with our others.

The transmission is here it’s not in the future it’s not waiting for the next moment it’s here at the right moment right in the moment you take the real action drilled out by meditation sitting down by meditation dig down by the meditation and plant the lotus through the practice. The transmissions it here let’s experience that energy flow and let the healing start and  no longer suffer by thing supposed to let go of.  

Now, we turn back to the breathing technique and at this time I ask all of you, knowing that the transmission is here, to allow yourself to receive the energy and allow the nature the Buddha nature to transmit directly. The good energy from the buddha through the cultivation.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold right there for three seconds, concentrate right on the heaven gate. Breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras, and receiving the energy and allowing the transmissions to happen.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Thank you  all for practicing with me. For more than two and a half years already and welcome other new participants. For more information about our group you can see on the screen there the website you can contact us by the phone number: 301-792-1095

If you follow the address on the website come directly to the temple the temple opens seven day a week from 10:30 a.m to 7 30 p.m every day. The meditation hall will always open for you to come in.

Thank you very much and have a good weekend. May Buddha bless you all.



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