
3009. The Past is Gone | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Na Mo Shakyamuni. Dear all my friends, time for us to practice meditation again. I am humble myself and all of you now just look up to the Buddha, let go of everything and Let’s begin our meditation practice today.

Together we pray, May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the blessing from all the Buddhas to activate the compassion, lighting up the wisdom and be awake. May the war stop and all the leaders around the world be able to sit down and create peace.

Let’s put your right hand on top of your left hand. Just relax. Sit down

As usual, every Saturday we practice mindfulness meditation. With the mantra that we chant. To liberate ourselves and help us to connect with the Buddha. To see the truth of what is happening now with us. To be more peaceful and no longer suffer. What we practice today and share about is, “The Past is Gone”.  Contemplate about this. With the Mu A Mu Sa, meaning compassion, we meditate on compassion. We meditate on wisdom, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, and we meditate on awakening, Ma Sa Op Ue. Lighting up the wisdom to be fully awake That we could share our compassion with all. That is how we practice. It is really important.

For those who are new beginners, just came today to see what is happening on YouTube or Facebook. You have any interest to practice, just follow, and you will experience the special energy that liberates you and the special vibration, the energy which flows within and you realize it is wonderful for your health, and your mind and your spirit.

Let’s begin.

At this special moment to connect with all the enlightened ones, all the Buddhas from ten directions we offer our merits, our energy, to all. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering. May all our friends purify their minds by receiving the energy from the Buddha to see through all our struggles that make them suffer. We breathe in, we expand our belly and hold it right there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, and chanting the mantra, and receive the energy from the Buddha. 

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue, (7x)

Just relax and keep doing meditation. Receiving the energy from all Buddhas. Connecting with your own self. Return back to the home of the Buddha nature within. Watching your thoughts, watching your breath, watching your feelings. Just watch. No matter  how your body is functioning, you just let the nature take care of itself. Don’t interrupt. Don’t’ interfere. Don’t put your hand on to convert, to change, or to make it out the way you want. Just let it be. We watch. We all just watch. Watching our thoughts. Keep breathing in and out. Relax. Chanting in the silent mode Mu A Mu Sa, compassion, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, wisdom, Ma Sa Op Ue, awaken. By continuing to do that we receive a greater energy from the Buddha to help us purify our thoughts.  All the past is gone. No longer exists or is here. It is just stored in the memory. It bothers us if the past is suffering, the past is negative. Most of us don’t want those kind of negative things already gone that flow back and bother us. But we struggle, things happen, are gone, but we still suffer. The more we practice and receive the energy from the Buddha, the more we will be able to watch whatever comes and goes. But not effect our thoughts to make us suffer. We use many objects, many things to contemplate our thoughts and our minds, to be aware of whatever is bothering us, for us to be more peaceful. Those times we escape the realities of what is going on to use the environment, space, objects, to calm ourselves down. Not very long, does not last long at all because we do not have much time to be with. We have to travel; we have to go here and there. But if we practice every day. The reality of whatever is happening right now at this moment is the best condition to offer to us based on those things happening now, that we could meditate and help ourselves become stable, stand strong, and be more peaceful and happier. 

The energy of the mantra Mu A Mu Sa means compassion. It is very powerful. When we receive from the Buddha, we activate our own compassion. It will take over all our suffering. It will also transform those kinds of suffering into more happiness.

Mindful with every second of our lives with Mu A Mu Sa compassion is very beneficial. It improves our health. It transforms our anger. It lights up and thins our our delusions. It helps us to see things more clearly in a very calm state of the body and the mind. Our spirit has the free time to arise, and the energy from the Buddha will flow. It helps us to engage deeper into the Buddha home. This is wonderful. Compassion, Mu A Mu Sa, is the art of healing. No matter what creates your suffering. Mu A Mu Sa delivers the energy to transform all. If you take a moment in life every day to practice, you see the benefit from it. Practice is the only way to transform so that the past is gone to never return to bother you. If it comes it is just like what is supporting for you to understand about life.

When I practice for many years, almost 50 years. I see the real benefit from practicing meditation on compassion, wisdom and awakens. Very beneficial. It helps clear my mind. It also transforms my anger. It helps me to maintain the peacefulness energy and easy to be with all, with all the differences in life from people, from the environment, from whatever happens. I see myself no longer attached to much into whatever I see if it is different. It is very easy for me to welcome people into my life and accept whatever happens. I see my health improve, my life improves in a higher quality of living spiritually, living truthfully.  I don’t run away from whatever is happening to me, but I have the energy to face directly with the compassion, wisdom, and awakened energy within to be there and welcome negative or positive. When it happens to me it just transforms slowly, and I receive a lot of good energy. I feel good.

Our meditation is not about indoctrinating some kind of religion. Yes, I am a Buddhist monk, but I do not try to teach Buddhism during this special Saturday meditation. I dedicate once a week practicing on live stream and Facebook. I encourage all to take on the practice to benefit for themselves. I see the benefit for myself that when the past is gone, it no longer bothers me.  I live in the now, with the moment. I still face all kinds of things happening just like all of you, but day in and day out I experience that I am no longer being taken away by those kinds of matters. I am very centered. Free to be with the nature of the Buddha within. The past is gone. If you know that, and say to yourself that past is gone, be compassionate and let the wisdom activate and work by itself to be fully awake. We have a good opportunity to be connected with the Buddhas, the enlightened ones. Practice this kind of meditation helps us maintain the highest energy that liberates us from all kinds of suffering.

The energy  flowing in our physical body and mental states, liberates, vibrates. It is very strong, we all know we are being touched by the energy, and those energies come directly from the Buddha through the practice that we receive which benefits our health.  If you have some kind of health problem, this is a good way to practice, to be active, transform yourself. You will see that your health will be different. If you have a problem with a lot of suffering related to your family members sick, or this or that, you practice, you will see yourself more centered, more grounded. Also, you could offer the benefit of the energy you receive to all of your loved ones. They will be in the process of healing. Their health will be better and their minds will be clearer and they will be able to enjoy their lives too. So, the practice is not for just ourselves, but for everyone. The best thing you can offer to all of your loved ones is to offer your energy to all. I do this every day and I offer my energy to all my people. The more I offer the more I receive. The more I receive the more I offer. I no longer hold on, I see myself in everyone I know, everyone I meet.

The past is gone. No matter what our past is. Remember, we all have a past. It does not mean we don’t care, but we know the past is gone, it is done. Live in the moment now with meditation. You will enjoy your life much better every day. A very active life in a very calm stage. You will be able to use full capacity of how you are here on earth and perform the true mission that you see through the compassion, wisdom and awakened mind when you practice.

Our meditation is the art of healing. Healing ourselves, it is important for us to stand up after a fall to be stronger. Stand up and practice.

When you breathe in. You take time, don’t hurry. You fill with the air that you breathe in, mindful with that, fill with the energy, full within you and transform, incorporate with the energy will receive from the Buddhas liberating us and flowing within our body. You will see the vibration very clearly. It shakes, moves and touches your body. There is nothing that you have to do, but there is a way for you to allow the energy to naturally flow to reset your physical, mental and spiritual state to be more harmonious so that you can enjoy life much better. I hope what I share makes sense to you. I hope that you could make a life better when you realize that we practice we will be more in touch with ourselves and discover more wonderful things form within. Not from out there to seek.

Let us go back to the breathing technique and receive the energy. We visualize all our loved ones, our parents, husband, wife, children, friends, our sangha, community, All. We connect with all the Buddhas from ten directions, directly through the very mindful breathing techniques. We say to ourselves the past is gone, now is what I should be with.

We breathe in, expanding our bellies, we hold it right there for three seconds. We concentrate on the heaven gate point. The point in front of the tail bone and the soft tissue. We breathe out, sunken our belly and chant the three mantras and receive the energy from the Buddha.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x).

Thank you. That is all we do every Saturday. Very light, very soft, but very sincere to connect with all the Buddhas. Enjoy your weekend and keep practicing.

Thank you.



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