
3007. Crystalize the Mind | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Good Morning. Meditations times is now for us to be. Let’s sit down and relax. Going back to the mindfulness meditation with me. Let’s begin. Na Mo Shakyamuni. May all the sentient beings be free of suffering and receive the blessing and compassion wisdom, and awakened energy from all Buddhas in the ten directions. May all our Mother’s be blessed to live long, healthy, peaceful and enjoy their lives.

Let’s put your right hand on top of your left hand.

Actually, tomorrow is Mother’s day, but today is Saturday, the day we practice meditation together. Connecting with all the Buddhas, maintaining our good merit energy together we offer those energies to our moms. For those mom’s who are sick, that they be healed, who are suffering will be happy, who are afraid, will be peaceful.

Let’s receive the energy through the practice. There are three mantras we chant while we do mindfulness breathing techniques. The first one we call compassion mantra. Mu A Mu Sa. The second one is wisdom mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. The third one is the awaken energy, Ma Sa Op Ue.

Let’s begin to receive the energy and offer to all our loved ones, especially for all of our mothers. Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra and receive the energy:

Mu A Mu Sa; Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng; Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Dear all my friends, every Saturday we practice meditation together, not because we are preaching or lecturing about the Buddhists, Buddhism is so much to learn. But what I focus on every Saturday is just how to practice, to cultivate our energy within we call the Buddha nature. When we cultivate those energies it will activate flow within and help us to connect with all the Buddhas. First of all, I want to say this, happy mother’s day to all the mothers. Especially for our mothers, we always pray for her. For them. To be healthy, live long, peaceful and enjoy life. Especially, you know, we keep thinking what is special. In life mom is very special. Somehow, we are busy. But mom is always within us. Happy Mother’s Day.

Today we are talking about crystalizing the mind. So Many things that we interact with every day. So many things happy usually, but then sometimes unusual things happen. The interactions between us and all not always peaceful. Sometimes it is horrible. The peacefulness never stays and lasts long. The sadness sometimes just takes over.

Life, we all experience those kinds of emotions. I have an allegy with the flowers, and you know tomorrow is the Buddhas Birthday. Some members offered the flowers here. When I smell them my body is terrible.  As long as we know that there is something that makes us feel comfortable we know how to purify ourselves by the energy within. It will be ok.

Going back to the mind, we all experience that our mind sometimes is not crystal clear at all. We use many techniques, but it is hard for us to detach. We get lost sometimes, Love to introduce to you again the method that we practice. It is very helpful for those who have the right time to engage and take on the practice every day. It helps our minds to be purer. It crystalizes our minds in a very easy way of what we are capable of doing.

We all love the crystal ball. Like the magicians that see through the crystal ball to predict or to know our future of what ever will happen. We run into that. Pay a lot of attention, money and time. Sometimes we with we have a crystal ball to put on the desk. So we can see it every day. But we forget, our mind is the special crystal ball. If we know how to maintain our mind in a good technique, then our mind is vey crystal, very clear. Easy for us to see through to know ourselves and while doing things for our life to be happy.

Mother’s day that we all re-evalute. We are not looking for the crystal ball, but we do engage with our mind to receive back our crystal mind from that we offer our good energy that every one of us receive directly from Buddha to our mothers today. How are we able to crystalize our mind? Our meditation practice is helping us to do so by chanting the compassion, the wisdom and the awakened mantra. The mantra sounds very powerful. It connects us with all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Sharing all our compassion energy with all the Bodhisattvas and awakens our Buddha nature within.

Every time we breathe in and out and are chanting the mantra. The vibration will be there for us to experience the energy flow. It is time for us to engage with our energy. Make a special interaction with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and reconnect with the universe. Don’t make ourselves separate from all. It is not a benefit, but a sharing. It is good to share. That is what we learn from when we were born until we pass away. Sharing is good.

So, when you breathe in and out, you are chanting those mantras. We all receive a very good energy flowing within us. The compassion energy usually flows very strong. It heals all of the suffering no matter because of what and when it happens. We need to heal ourselves. We all have some kind of suffering deep within us. It is very hard to push it away. It is very hard to transform it. With our compassion energy we would not be able to transform our suffering at all. That is why we always suffer.

Today we know that the compassion energy is the most and main source for all of us to heal ourselves. That is the process to crystalize our minds. When our minds crystalize, we will be able to see through, and we will be able to put a hand on our lives to be a good driver, sit on the drivers seat. Take control and take charge of our lives. Not just the compassion energy, the other energy is really needed when we drive through the darkness of life. Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. This Manta lights up our wisdom, like the high beam to see through the foggy, darkness. It is very unique. Compassion and wisdom in most we all need it. By engaging with the compassion and wisdom directly from the Buddha we all have the right time to be fully awake, through the mantra Ma Sa Op Ue.

Those energies really help us to crystalize our minds. For those who suffer very easily, who are very fragile, who are very unstable, who are very falling down no matter what. By practicing our meditation methods we will be able to crystalize our minds and empower ourselves and receive more good energy directly from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. For us to be stronger, to stand up right and tall. Unbreakable, unshakeable and to reactivate our good energy within to share with others. It is the truth. For many years that I have been practicing, there is so much energy that I receive every day, every moment, and also sharing and offering to all our friends who are practicing together. Even all the sentient beings according to what the Buddha teaches we always do.

Let’s love ourselves more than ever, by knowing that we do have the crystal ball of the mind. The mind of compassion, wisdom and awakening.

Don’t forget, that we all have that special gift. Unwrap it. Use it for our lives and share it with others. Life is very precious, and time is going by quickly. Take a real action to take care of our lives. Take a real action to share with others who we love. It is special. That is what I think.

Mother’s Day. We have only one mom. Mom is forever. Mom is spring. Let us sit back and look into our heart and  our crystal mind, not make a wish, but make a list of what we should do for our mom. The first thing we are going to do on the list is sharing our crystal mind through the practice, that all the energy we receive from the Buddha we will offer directly to our mom for her to be always happy, live long, peaceful.

May all the Buddhas from the ten directions always bless our mom, and may all the mothers always be happy, live long and be peaceful.

We go back to the breathing techniques, receiving more energy and offering it to our mothers.

Dear Buddha, please bless all of our mothers. And may all our mothers receive the compassion and wisdom. The awakened energy from all the Buddhas and Bodisattvas. And we always offer our merits, our love to our moms.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken the belly, receiving the energy and offering it to mom, and chanting the mantra.

Mu A Mu Sa; Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Thank you. That is all we do every Saturday. I challenge you, and encourage you to take on the practice every day for five minutes.

Finally, happy Mother’s day, and enjoy your long weekend with all your mothers.

Thank you.



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