
3006. Meditate on Protection | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Nam Mo Shakyamuni. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and peace in the universe be maintained.  Let’s put the right hand on top of the left hand.

Now a today in the world we know life is very impermanent. Because of the power that some leaders want to achieve in the meaning they want to think, so many have passed away from the war. We meditate on protection to prevent our own ego desire and anger to transform to better actions. Let’s ask the buddhas from the ten directions to come to our life and light up the wisdom and let’s pray for all to be protected in the right way of life.

Every second we breathe in and out in the meditation that we practice will connect us with all the Buddhas in ten directions and receive the energy from all the Buddhas. Let’s relax and be humble together we practice and receive the energy we also are thinking about all our family members. We connect with them. We offer them our best merit energy. Let’s begin.

Breathe in, expanding our bellies, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Just relax, and keep doing meditations. Be silent. Follow your breath. Allow your thoughts to be one with your breath. Allow the mantra that you chant cultivate the energy within to connect with all the Buddhas. Let all of us be humble and let all the ego be sinking down.  In life we are affected by the negative energy surrounding us, that is why some times it breaks us down, it pushes us down. It also makes us feel lost sometimes, we don’t know what to do. The negative energy takes over makes us tired, get sick, depressed. Very hard to control. Those kinds of experiences that most of us have it. No one can dodge.  However, we still have a good chance to move on, to live in a better stage of our spirit, mind and physical. There is no need to surrender to the negative energy. Yes, we can protect ourselves with the help from the enlightened ones. We all need help. It is good to receive help, especially from the compassionate one, Buddha. We look around and see so many people suffering. There are so many being harmed by others. It is unpredictable, never know what is going on. It is not ok for us to just be there and be suffering. The happiness surrounding us too. We just need to turn around and receive the special protection from buddha and be happy in life. Meditate on protection is the way we practice with the Mantra #3 Ma Sa Op Ue.

Ma Sa Op Ue means awaken, but this awakening comes from the buddha. We meditate on Ma Sa Op Ue. We chant it. That helps us receive the energy to connect with all the Buddhas. Good positive, protection energy to protect us. Somehow, we are very weak because of so many negative acts that we had performed, now it comes around and also taking over our lives. It is wonderful for us to understand very clearly that the protections we get by connecting with all the Buddhas is the best way to regain our lives in happiness and healthiness. When we practice, we all connect with the Buddha through the mantra Ma Sa Op Ue. That awakened energy will reactivate us with our own Buddha nature within. There is nothing for us to seek from there, but all will be shown if we maintain our mindfulness breathing techniques and remain connected with the Buddha, we will see all the miracles will be there for us.

Things happen so quickly, and we never know what is going on every second of our lives. To live within the protection of the Buddha for us to be more relaxed and enjoy our life, to be more happy rather than suffer. Every day we need to make choices. Choose to be connected to the Buddha is the best choice for us. It is good to receive help and protection from the buddha. For the Buddha nature within us fully activated to transform into the right action to live happily and also to offer to others a good energy for them to be happy too. We are very weak, and it is easy to fall into the very ill, very crazy mental stage that tries to take over other peoples lives for our own benefit. That is why we all see the war is still happening, just because power hungry. They are seeking for the power by destroying others. Together now we connect with all the Buddhas, and we send to all sentient beings, to all people who are around the world facing danger, the protection energy from the Buddha for them to be protected.

Meditating on protection is not just for ourselves, but also for our families, our loved ones, all the people who we see are suffering now. Together, yes, we can make things change in a better way. The more we meditate on protection, and the more we are sharing the energy to protect each other the more we are fully awakened. Look around our lives, You will see there is someone who needs. Could be our parents, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, or relatives, friends, We could send to them the special energy from the buddha to protect them. Thinking about them at this moment. Connecting with them and meditate on Ma Sa Op Ue, and yes, they will be well protected by the Buddha. For many years I myself, have been protected by the Buddha through the meditation that I practice.  I see the benefit from that no matter what happens I am always happy.  I want to share this special technique with all of you so your lives are happy, not suffering.

All we need to open our minds, to welcome the Buddha to our lives, and take a little time to meditate every day. 5 minutes a day is good enough. Don’t let the negative energy take over your life and destroy you. Don’t let the negative energy interfere with your life and disrupt your life. Don’t let the negative energy make you suffer, and your family members suffer. We have a better choice to live happily. When we say meditate on protection, we just mean maintain the connection with all the Buddhas through Ma Sa Op Ue, the special Mantra. To allow the special cultivation that activates to benefit for all. Through the practice it will be leading our life to be happier, rather than just suffer every second of our lives. Or standing there witnessing our family members suffering without any protection. It is ok for us to get lost in order to learn, but it is better for us to return and be happy. Under the protection of the Buddha. We need to re-evaluate our lives now and make a good return to come back stronger, happier.

Ma Sa Op Ue brings us to the highest level to be with the Buddha. Ma Sa Op Ue will help us a lot to overcome fear, suffering, and leading us to the light of wisdom. That we all together could be protected by the Buddha. So now we return back to the breathing techniques with the meditation to receive the protection from the Buddha. Let’s humble ourselves and meditate on the protection now.

Buddha, we all need the protection from you and may all of us, our families, friends and the whole world receive your protection. Protect us day and night, every second of our lives. Please help us to regain our happiness. May all your merit will be received by all.

Let’s breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantras to receive the protection from the Buddha.

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue. (7x)

Thank you. That is all we do every Saturday. I challenge you to take on 5 minutes every day and meditate on protection and send your energy to all your loved ones. May all be protected by the Buddha, peaceful, happy and enjoy your life. Nam Mo Shakyamuni.



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