
3005. Welcome Bhuddda to Our Life | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Good Morning all my friends. Time to practice meditation with me on Saturday. Just Sit down and relax. Let us begin.

Together we pray, “May all the sentient beings, be free of suffering and may the Buddha bless us to be happy healthy and peaceful.

Let’s put the right hand on top of the left hand. What we are sharing today is with the title, “Welcome Buddha to Our Life”. With this every breath in and out we keep our mind mindful we are lighting up our wisdom we are receiving the compassion energy with our Buddha nature and we welcome Buddha to our life for every second that we are here now still on earth. We all are going to receive the energy flowing within us. Let all of us receive the energy from the Buddha. We offer our merit, the energy that we receive from the Buddha to all of our loved ones.

Let’s breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

To all the new beginners, I would like to introduce the meditation class. Every Saturday online and also at our Temple in Frederick, MD. Our Meditation Methods are very natural which the Master will offer to all the participants the initiation that connect all the students with the Buddha. Then we practice mindfulness breathing techniques with the mantras which motivate and keep the activations working on every second of our lives to receive the energy, the compassion energy from Buddha. Lighting up our wisdom to awaken us.

There are many different kinds of meditation, but we are practicing with the real energy that we all, if practiced correctly, will receive the energy flowing within us. So, when we breathe in with the full circle of in and out, we breathe in and carry the air to the lower body and then we expand our belly, we hold it there for three seconds and we use our mind to concentrate right at the heaven gate point. Which is located right in front of the tailbone, then ending bone and the soft tissue in the front. We call that the heaven gate. Then we breathe out. We sunken our belly, slowly we chant the mantras. We have learned three mantras; we are in the third year of practicing. It doesn’t matter if this is your first day or if you have been here all three years. As long as you put it toward the practice you will benefit.

The first mantra is the compassion mantra: Mu A Mu Sa.  You can go back to the first video on You Tube and learn more or you can visit or call 301-792-1095.

Compassion mantra Mu A Mu Sa is very powerful. It breaks through all our suffering, the negative energy that still exists within. It opens up for us to know that Buddha is very present, very close, very here with us.

The second mantra is Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. This is the most powerful mantra because it is keeping our wisdom still so we can see through the darkness.  The third mantra, Ma Sa Op Ue. These three mantras are repeated one after another in the full circle of breathing techniques. We do it seven times in the beginning, then have a lesson, then repeat the mantra seven times again.  At home you can practice for five minutes repeating the mantras twice.  Then sit still and allow the energy to incorporate with your actions. For more information you can call 301-792-1095.

What we are talking about today is welcoming Buddha to our lives. Most westerners will ask, what is buddha, who is Buddha?  The Buddha is the awakened mind. The awakened mind which has no attachment, and no longer suffers by any means. That the stage which is very beneficial for all of us.

So welcome Buddha means we welcome the awakened stage to transform and cut off all our attachments and regain the happiness with life now, not next. This also the real Buddha exists within our breathing technique with the three mantras, especially the third one Ma Sa Op Ue, we learn from himself. Just like the student learns from the teacher. When you practice you will build up this special connection that you will know the Buddha slowly within your mindfulness breathing techniques. The third mantra, Ma Sa Op Ue, is the bridge for us to walk on to get along with the Buddha well.

What is the benefit when we welcome the Buddha to our life? Buddha is just like the best friend providing us with a very good energy and guiding us through whatever struggles we face in life. What needs to be done to welcome the Buddha? Nothing needs to be done, but just willing to welcome him. By the practice, by returning to the nature.  Naturally with the breathing technique in and out, being mindful, and the three mantras we learned is the key for us to get to know the Buddha through our mind stage.  Most of us who practice feel very close to the Buddha because there is energy connecting between us and the Buddha. Physically it is very healthy, it is good. Mentally it clears up our mind, it carries away the negative energy within and transforms it. Spiritually allows us to know beyond the unknown. This practice is a good adventure for us to know what is beyond.

Everything we do we need to have a very open mind to welcome it. This meditation you just need to be well prepared by welcoming the Buddha, the awakened one, to our life. Welcome the energy of the buddha which is provided to us to transform our lives. We all are going to fill with the special energy transmitting into this body physically. Every second you are present to the breathing and the energy of the Buddha offered to us. The energy flows and creates a very exciting and good vibration energy which purifies our physical body, very healthy.  This is the special healing meditation. Remember the Buddha is within, and the Buddha is the awakened one. Welcome the Buddha also means to welcome the awakened moment to know the truth to transform our delusion, ignorance, and break through whatever we are attached to which prevents us to go beyond to know more. If you have a very mind, go beyond all the barriers of religions, and beliefs. Just give yourself a chance to be relaxed and welcome the Buddha. There will be a very peaceful moment that flows forever with your life.

So make sure every time you practice you remember the three points of breathing in and out, concentrate on the heaven gate point. When you breathe in, expand your belly, hold it for three seconds, and concentrate on the heaven gate point at the tail bone. For just a second, then guide the energy to flow from your lower body, and follow your backbone to the top of your head. You sunken your belly and chanting the mantra. That’s all. It is very easy. If you keep practicing until you get used to it, you will feel a lot more energy flowing into you every second. It is wonderful. Energy is life, life is energy. Without good energy we will not be happy or peaceful at all. We will suffer. This is the healing meditation. If you need to heal your body, this is the right method to practice. It is very easy. So together we all welcome the Buddha to our lives on Saturdays as a network we connect together, then daily practice five minutes to keep benefiting.

I have dedicated my life to practice together with all of you who have the right time to receive, and I offer my energy with you. We share the merit, we share the energy, and we welcome the Buddha to our lives. To make the special transmission that we receive more energy every day to purify our body, our  mind our spirit that we all know there is no need for us to suffer every day. It is good for us to enjoy our lives to be happy and peaceful. It is good for our loved ones to rejoin with the happiness. It is good to have a clear mind to know what to do to benefit us and for others.

You know you can contact me directly at 301-792-1095. I am very happy to meet with you to talk and practice together. Life is happiness. It is not suffering. Welcome Buddha to our life to be more happy and peaceful in life every day we are still on earth.

Let us return back to the breathing techniques.

Dear Buddha we are here and we welcome you to our life. May all of us be blessed. May the compassion energy always be with us within all our actions. May the light of the wisdom always be there to see through. May all of us be awakened all the time. We are thinking about our loved ones, our parents, family, friends, children, society, community. May all of them be peaceful, healthy and no longer suffer.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it right there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Sunken our belly, breathe out, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue.

Thank you. That is all we do every Saturday. Spring has come. We welcome you in person at Frederick Temple. You can call us at 301-792-1095. Once again. Thank you very much and I will see you next Saturday. Make sure we welcome buddha to our life every second and be fully awake. Thank you very much and have a good weekend.



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