
3004. The Awakening Initiation | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Good Morning. Time for us to do meditation on Saturday. I ask you to just sit down and relax. Be with me to return back to the Buddha nature. Offer our energy to all.

Let us begin.

Na Mo Shakyamuni, may all sentient beings be blessed, no longer suffer. May all have peace around the world. May all the leaders be blessed and have a good wisdom to stop the war and create peace. Let’s put the right hand on top of the left hand.

Every Saturday we do meditation to reactivate and make the special cultivation with the truth that we are to stand up for ourselves take on the practice daily, every day. The mantra we just started to practice about a month, Ma Sa Op Ue, means “Awaken Initiation” exactly what we are talking about today. Awakening Initiation. That we receive from the Buddha, directly. So now I ask you to practice with me with the compassion, wisdom and awakened mind to welcome the Buddha into our lives. In this special Saturday, very special, not just for our practice, but for the whole world needs to be fully awake to know what is wrong and what is right, what should be stopped. Especially the war, it needs  to be stopped right away for peace to be with all. Let’s offer our merit energy to all the leaders. May all of them be blessed by the Buddha.

When we breathe in and breathe out chanting the mantras, we all together will receive a very good energy from Buddha directly. At this moment we think about our families, our loved ones our parents. Connect with them by compassion and wisdom and also by the awakened energy that we receive from the Buddha, so all of them will be able to be fully awake for them to know what to do for their lives and stand up right and tall.

Let’s begin. Breathe in expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na MO Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

We just relax and keep following the breathing techniques in and out. Keep watching our entire body, and our mind. When we practice meditation every Saturday together, we don’t just follow a routine that we do every Saturday. But we connect with all the Buddhas. We connect together through the master all of us will receive the energy directly from the Buddha. Life is energy. Every one of us will receive the energy that we are filled with. The energy vibrates within, liberates our energy. That is the healing start. The cleansing will appear. Very clear for us to know. Awakening is really needed for all of us, especially the awakening initiation that we  receive through the third mantra: Ma Sa Op Ue, directly from the Buddha Shakyamuni, through the master helping your receive this very special initiation.

In life, we easily forget and get lost, that is why we suffer. We need the light for the way to go. The awakening initiation is the light of the wisdom, the power of compassion, the energy of the truth comes from the enlightened one. With this special initiation that we receive the protection from all Buddhas for our lives. We need that kind of protection. Protect ourselves, protect our families, protect our loved ones. Just think this way, All of our children always need to be protected by their parents. They are still young. They need to be protected until they are strong enough to take care of their lives.

We are just like young children, very weak. We need the protection from Buddha to guide us to stand up strong. Awakening Initiation is the special protection that comes from the Buddha. If we are willing to receive it, you will see the door of the spiritual life will be opened, and we will see Bodhisattvas manifest within our lives. It is beautiful. I have been practicing for many years, more than 45 years. I myself experience directly that there is a good energy coming to me. It has been activating my life, maintain that energy in life. It heals all the suffering I face. No matter what, it is very healthy within the mind, spirit and body.

It is not just talking about the meaning of what we are doing. But we are truly experiencing this happening now, at the moment we do meditation. At this moment, if you are sinking your thoughts down, relax and stay with the mindfulness breathing techniques, there will be the awakened initiation there for you on top of you head. You will feel the energy right on top of your head. There is a circle of energy flowing on top of your head. That circle energy will flow. You will see that deep inside your mind. By receiving the awakened initiation our subconsciousness will be reactivated from that we know the true meaning of our lives. Not being told by someone in a textbook, but by the truth of your consciousness. Use your mind to  look at the top of your head. You will feel the circle of light right on top of your head. A yellow light beam will be flowing within you. Every part of your body will be full of that light. In Buddhism we call it the awakening initiation.  We all need a special protection, somehow we are too weak, but now no longer for us to be afraid because the Buddha always protects us, protects our families, our loved ones. Life is very joyful if we receive the awakening initiation directly from the Buddha we will receive the special and full protected by the Buddha.

By thinking about our loved ones, such as our parents, husband, wife, children, relatives, community together with me, we connect it with all, and together the awakened initiation energy will flow to all whoever we are thinking about now. Together we receive the awakened initiation for all of us to stand up strong, stand up tall and walk out from the darkness. Awakened Saturday also means today for most of the people who follow a different religion. The call this the awakened Saturday, raise up from the dead, walk out from the darkness, stand up for ourselves to be free from our bad Karma, from our sin.

Let us say to the Buddha, please transfer and make this special transmission of the special awakened initiation to all of us and our loved ones. Let the wisdom light light up for the compassion energy to flow around to wash away the fear and suffering, and any darkness in our lives be lighting up for us to see through. Let’s show our love our wisdom that all be awakened. We pray for all people around the world to no longer suffer by the war of any individual mind that does not know the truth of how to love each other. Let’s offer the awakened initiation energy to all the leaders around the world for them to stand up and create peace for all and stop the war. Let all of our loved ones stand up to receive the energy to be full awake to know what to do for themselves, to take care of themselves, and we always support them for them to regain the true power within to stand up to enjoy this life.

Now we are going back to the meditation breathing technique and humble ourselves to receive directly from the Buddha, I ask all of you to think about your loved ones, connect with them together with me. Let all of us be fully awake and receive the awakened initiation directly from the Buddha. May all of us be protected. May all the sentient beings no longer suffer.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras and receive the awakened initiation from the Buddha:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue, (7x)

Thank you, that is all we do every Saturday. Open and receive. Today we receive theh special awaken initiation directly from the Buddha. May all of us really receive a good energy and make sure we offer it to all our loved ones.

Once again, thank you very much for practicing with me every Saturday. Make sure you carry on daily. Just for five minutes is good. Happy weekend, happy Easter. May all be fully awake.

Thank you.



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