
3002. Not Need To Be | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Good Morning, welcome to the meditation class on Saturday with me. As you know it is time right now, so please sit down. Make sure you feel comfortable and just relax. Let us begin.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni. Dear all Buddhas from ten directions, please bless us, and awaken us for us to be with the awakened mind to realize what is wrong and what is right. Especially, please bless for those who have a very strong addiction realize that they still are blessed by all of the Buddhas. For them to return back to the right way to be stronger. May all the leaders around the world have a crystal mind and light up their wisdom, stop the war and create peace.

Put your right hand on top of your left hand. Mindfulness breathing techniques together chanting the mantras to activate our compassion, and to cultivate our wisdom to be with the awakened ones, the awakened mind from all Buddhas. With this practice we all receive a very positive energy flowing within that now we all thinking about our loved ones, our family, our parents, husband and wife, children, sister, nieces, nephews. We connect with them and we offer our best merit energy to all. Within the second that we all offer to all. The three mantras we are chanting together with the mindfulness breathing techniques. The first one to activate our compassion, Mu A Mu Sa. The second one is to cultivate our wisdom, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. The third one is to receive the special initiation from Buddha to be awake and to be one with the buddha mind, Ma Sa Op Ue.

Let us begin.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Breathe in and out naturally. Visualize about the compassion, wisdom and awakened mind. Observing the energy flow. The thoughts come and go. Nothing to hold back. There is no effort created to push away other thoughts we don’t like. It is ok, just let our thoughts be, no rejection, no judgement. The third mantra we practice for the third year, Ma Sa Op Ue, allows us to connect with the awakened mind of the buddhas to awaken ourselves. When we practice this mantra, we are receiving the very special initiation of the awakened mind that provides us with a very good energy to purify and transform our lives. The moment we receive it is the moment of transmission. All good energy from Buddha through this very physical body that we here now practice.

We share a title today, “Not Need to Be”, not need to be with what?  First of all, talking about all our sensations. The most sensations that make us suffer is anger. The anger energy makes us angry. Anger energy is not good at all. It creates a lot of bad energy for us. It burns our minds ourselves. Buddha says the anger energy just like the fish throws themselves out of the water and lands on the desert. The heat from the desert of our anger will burn ourselves just like that. As long we cannot transform our anger energy means we are killing ourselves every second of our lives. There is no happiness, there is no peacefulness that we can enjoy our lives and offer to others.  It is ok to be angry. It is ok when we are angry with someone, but we don’t need to be with the anger energy and create a lot of action when we interact with others. We don’t have to.

The mantra Ma Sa Op Ue helps to awaken our minds to see through when the anger energy arises within. The more we practice, the more wisdom light will be lighting up, the more compassion energy will flow. The nature of cleansing will happen. There is no expectation but just being there and watch to rejoin with what is within. If you love your family friends, sister, brother, nieces, nephew, anyone related to you. Your relatives, friends, sangha, your community, all sentient beings, we connect with them by the wisdom of the awakened one to cultivate the compassion within all, just like the fish, knows how to return back to the water to survive, to live, to be with the nature of how it was created. Fish need water. We need an awakened mind. Buddha is very happy to offer to help us to awaken ourselves through the mindfulness meditation that we practice every Saturday. 

Ma Sa Op Ue is the very powerful mantra, very powerful that will help us to stay still to witness all the activity physically mentally and verbally from ourselves with a very clear mind. There is no fear when things happen wrong, or don’t match with our expectations, it is ok. Ma Sa Op Ue is very powerful, will clean it up and to protect the candle, the light, the wisdom within us now to be forever. There are always good energies coming to us when we practice from all Buddhas and Bodisatvas. WE are not lonely by ourselves, and lost not knowing where to go. We do know where to go. We realize that we are always have all the Buddhas surrounding us to protect us.

When we breathe in, chanting the mantras, we all will fill with the wisdom light lighting up on the top of our heads. From there we see every single sensation, action, or all the phenomena that will be appear in the mind of the awakened one. That we can just watch in a peaceful moment of the mindfulness breathing techniques. Let all of us reach out for those who still suffer by the addiction of anything which causes a lot of suffering for themselves and their families. We love them all. At this moment together with me let the power, let the energy, let the compassion, let the wisdom and the awakened energy from all buddhas connect with them. Clean up all the negative thoughts and negative energy within there and may all athe Buddhas be there for them, and motivate them to stand up strong and walk on the path that is leading them to happiness, joyfulness and peacefulness with their life.

Don’t need to be jumping into the fire of our own anger. When things happen that don’t satisfy ourselves. The Karma makes us all very different. There is no need to make everybody look the same, there is no need to make everyone have the same thoughts. No need to be angry all the time. It is part of our life we all know. As long as we are receiving the awakened mind of the buddha we no longer need to be with those kinds of sensations because there is more good things that when we connect with the Buddha we will receive for ourselves much better. When the anger arises, we know that it comes. Being with the awakened one we enjoy ourselves watching the anger energy flow and transform ti to become the awakened energy to guide ourselves and our loved ones through the darkness in the moment in life that created a lot of suffering. Life will be very full of suffering if we are jumping into the anger energy and allow ourselves to be angry all the time with what we are not satisfied with. But life will be very happy if we be one with the awakened one Ma Sa Op Ue. We have a power to watch our anger energy arise and transform it to become peaceful energy. Meditation is transformative. Ma Sa Op Ue helps us to transform all. Practice, Practice. Help us to be better every day to live happily. We always connect to all our loved ones. We always offer our merit to all. We always have the Buddha, the awakened one always to be with us. Side by side, guiding us through all the difficult times we face.

We are alright. Let’s return back to the mindfulness meditation. May all the Buddhas from ten directions connect with us and offer us all a good compassion/wisdom energy and guide us to be with the awakened mind from all Buddhas for us to know and see through all things and realize we don’t need to be with the anger when it arises, but it is good to transform it all with the awakened mind.

May all our loved ones receive a good energy from Buddha to empower their lives to transform their addiction. Let all be blessed, peace to all.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Thank you, that is all we do every Saturday. In just 30 minutes, but we all receive and are blessed from all Buddhas a good energy to transform our lives and offer to all our loved ones. Have a good weekend and thank you very much.



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