
3001. What Are You Seeking For? | Mantra#3 – Ma Sa Ốp Uê

Good morning. Today is Saturday, just like every weekend we get together online and we practice meditation, for those who are new, and are interested in meditation, make sure you sit down comfortably and follow along.

Together let’s begin.

May all of us receive the blessing from all Buddhas from ten directions and may Buddha bless all the leaders around the world that they could sit down and have a peace talk to stop the war.

Just put your right hand on top of your left hand. Our meditation is different from other mediations you have heard of or practiced because the way we practice we receive the energy from the Buddha directly through the mindfulness breathing technique and the mantra we are chanting.

For two years we have been practicing to cultivate and reactivate our compassion and wisdom. Therefore for most of two years who have been practicing with me and received a lot of good energy spiritually, mentally and physically. In this third year we practice to be with the awakened mind of the Buddha. Awakened mind of the Buddha. It is really important. It helps us to see through all kinds of delusions which are created by our own selves. The combination between the breathing technique and all the mantras is really important. It connects us together with all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. It helps us to receive a greater energy every second of our lives.

So now lets go to the practice first. And I ask all of you to just follow. We are going to chant three mantras together, one after another, with the breathing technique in and out. Make sure you relax. Make sure that you are conscious of the energy flowing within you. No matter what happens, just watch, just be there, and mindful. Allow the body, mind and spirit to observe the energy. Maintain your awareness to be aware, alert, and awake. The new mantra we chant is Ma Sa Op Ue, which just means, to be with the awakened Buddha, the awakened one, the awakened mind. In order to receive the light, the compassion and the truth of all truths.

Together, we breathe in, expanding the belly, carry it down to the lower body, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate right on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Just relax and watch your breath. Connecting with your body, mind and spirit. In meditation, most often, we always think about receiving or getting something out from the sky or from somewhere else. But truly what Buddha taught was to be with ourselves. Not outward, but inward, connect with our own self and  relax, release, all our attachments. With the mindfulness breathing technique, it helps us to calm our minds, relax our bodies, and rejoice with our own happiness. The Mantra we just learned recently, last week and this week for the third year that we practice, meaning the awakened mind of the Buddha.

We try to say something help us to think as a title today we are talking about “what are you seeking for?”  What are we seeking for? Sometimes we don’t ask, we just follow. All our desire is to just make whatever we want most to satisfy the material for living. That is ok, there is nothing wrong with that, or satisfy our own sensations, feelings. It is ok to, nothing wrong. Nothing wrong with that. It is ok. But however, we should evaluate what else we are seeking in life. Is that just those two things I just mentioned.

We invest too much time into things that are not permanent. We all know that. There is something that still lasts forever that we never think of. In order to be peaceful, be healthy, and also helpful for all people who live around us like our loved ones. We have to maintain our highest energy, awakeness. Very easy for us to bury our heads into something that we don’t even know until we recognize that time has gone by for too long, and wasted our energy and creates a lot of suffering for us. Those experiences help us to realize there are more things that are more valuable for us to connect with to enjoy life.

Seeking but not seeking. That is what Buddha said. Just watching for what is there for ourselves already there. Just think we are like a candle, just missing the light.  Ma Sa Op Ue is the awakened light from the Buddha. When we practice Ma Sa Op Ue, we learn to be with the Buddha, being one with the Buddha. From that we receive the awakened life from him for our own life. Like the candle lighting up.  That slowly for us to see the truth of all truths. It is really important. It is good for health physically, mentally and spiritually. It is also helping us to receive a greater energy for every moment of our lives. Life is energy. That is for sure. Receiving good energy we have a good life. Ma Sa Op Ue also helps us to see through all that we have done wrong to fix it. Every action, every single word we speak, or that inside our mind creates the energy. Good energy or evil energy, negative energy or positive energy depends on what we do. Ma Sa Op Ue is helping us return back to the original energy which we received from the very first day we were born here on earth, very pure energy.

So the question is, “What are we seeking for?” the answer is very simple. Seeking, but not seeking. While we do meditation actually, we are returning back to be with the Buddha nature, and we are being one with all Buddhas. We might call seeking, connecting whatsoever word you create to make the mean the way you want. But there is nothing to seek for because it is there already. Deep within the Buddha nature there are Buddhas within Ma Sa Op Ue is meaning to be with the Buddha nature that is within the nature are all Buddhas from the ten directions. Not seeking but being there with it. When we are breathing in and out, the breathing techniques need to be mindful with every second in and out. Meditating on the breathing techniques help us to disconnect from the distracting thoughts that pull us away. With the chanting of the mantra Ma Sa Op Ue helps us to be one with the Buddha. From there we never get lost. Our thoughts are going to be purer. All kinds of energy will connect with the Buddha in a good way. We never get lost, and can see clearer whatever happens, to understand and from there we no longer suffer by anything that we do every day because every action forms into the true action.

When we interact with life always be blessed with the awakened energy from all Buddhas with the wisdom that we see and know and with the compassion energy always maintained in the higher level to be. It transforms our anger, our greed, and delusions. It helps us to be truly humble. Especially it is very helpful because it maintains the physical body level to be calmer and allows the body to be relaxed and enjoy with the mind very clear that our lives are going to be much better.

 I am very grateful to be here on line every Saturday to reach out for those who love meditation with me. When we connect together in this section of practicing meditation, We all benefit each other as a special network receiving the energy from the Buddha and offer to each other, and offer to all our loved ones. Let’s stop thinking about religion, or Buddhism or whatsoever. But remember the way we practice meditation is to be with what is already within us, not seeking for anything, or create anything, or making anything up for us to receive.

Ma Sa Op Ue means to be with the awakened one within us. Don’t’ create any expectation about meditation but be with what is there for us. Don’t seek, but be with. I believe, whether you believe it or not, if you take on the practice, we are all going to have the experience of this special energy of all Buddhas coming to us. Let’s connect together through the meditation practice and let all of us receive a greater energy and to be with the awakened one for us to always be awake. Be awake, be alert and be aware of whatsoever is happening around us.

 Let’s return back to the meditation breathing technique. At this time may the Buddha bless us all and help us connect with all our loved ones. May all sentient beings be free of suffering, our parents, families, friends, community, society, be happy be healthy and enjoy our life with peaceful energy. May all of us be always awake, alert and aware. May the war stop and peace to all. Let’s offer the awakened energy to all the leaders around the world for them to have a special reconciliation to stop the war and create peace.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue.

Thank you for all of you who practice meditation with me every Saturday. It could be very boring for one who does not understand. But it is wonderful for those who practice and receive this special experience through the energy connected with us, but however, just keep practicing.

 If you need more information, you can contact directly with me by calling me at the phone number 301-792-1095.  I am happy to talk to you, you can also attend the meditation class every Saturday or come to our headquarters in Maryland. Practice is the only way for us to be able to transform our lives. Once again, thank you so much and have a good weekend with your family and your loved ones. Thank you.



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