
2052. Don’t Convert Them

Good Morning all my best friends. Time for us to practice meditation and connect with all the Buddhas in the ten directions and receive the compassion, wisdom, and awakened energy.

Let’s begin.

May all Buddhas bless us and may all of us be free from all kinds of suffering. Peace to the world. Please sit down in the way you feel comfortable. As usual, we do every Saturday.  Today is different because it marks the beginning of the third year, we practice our meditation together.

We have been practicing connecting with the Buddha to activate our compassion and to light up our wisdom. Two years already. First of all, I am very thankful for all of you following and practicing every Saturday. You are my best friends. Very appreciated. It is not easy to take on the action of practice for that long, for two years. But I am committed myself to practice every Saturday, Not just for three years, but for seven years, because the way we do mediation, our system has seven Mantras to focus, to practice about our mind. To purify and reactivate with the Buddha in order to receive a very good energy every day. Our meditation is about connecting with the Buddha’s energy to transform our life. Therefore, all who have the right time to practice all receive a very good energy every day.

I love to introduce the third mantra today. The Awakened Mantra. Let me sound it out for you to remember. It is just four words. Ma Sa Op Ue. We are going to chant it later.

What does Ma Sa Op Ue mean? It means we are now ready. After two long years of activating our compassion and lighting up our wisdom, we are now ready to receive this special awaken initiation. What that means, it means we are receiving this special initiation from all Buddhas, that guarantees that every one of us will be equally as how we are. As how we are, the way we were born, equally.

Exactly what we are talking about today is “Don’t convert them” or don’t convert ourselves. Just be with how we are. The awakened initiation helps up to be awake, to know ourselves much better. To receive all Buddhas blessing every second of our life. It is very wonderful. By receiving the awakened initiation, we have a special protection from the Buddha. Protects us from all kinds of things that happen to interfere to make us scared, to make us suffer, and create any kind of delusion. It will be no longer easy to make us that way because the awakened initiation will protect us. So, when we are chanting we will chant the three mantras together.   Mu A Mu Sa, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, and Ma Sa Op Ue.

Not just receive the initiation for ourselves, but also for whoever we are thinking of. Our loved ones, our families.  We can offer that special protection to all of them. Protect their mind, our thoughts, physically and all to be safe at all times.  So, as we are chanting this mantra the third year we are ready to be. Let us humble ourselves, and ask all the Buddhas from ten directions to bless us. Maintain your compassion energy and offer the compassion energy to all your loved ones. Lighting up your wisdom to know that all phenomena are impermanent. Let the compassion of the Buddha protect us from all evil thoughts no longer interfere with our life. In this special moment I ask all of you to humble yourself and be ready to receive this special initiation at this moment.

Buddha, this is the third year. After two long years we are working to maintain our compassion still and to light up our wisdom. Receive this special blessing from all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in this third year. Would like to receive this special initiation to protect us, to protect our families, to protect our loved ones. Now we are ready.  Like usual, we use the mindfulness breathing technique in and out and chant the mantras.  Today we are going to chant the third one, Ma Sa Op Ue. You just follow and humble yourself and just receive the blessing. Make sure we are thinking about our family and connect with them and offer this special moment when we receive this special awakened initiation. Let’s begin.

Breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breath out sunken your belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,   Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng,  Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Just relax. The third mantra returns back to the original energy which always awakens us at all times. I believe in the temple of Maryland state. The weather is warmer, the flowers are blossoming, and the green seems to be there for us to enjoy.  Of course, very soon at the end of this month there will be the cherry blossom festival in Washington DC. It is beautiful. We call it a spring festival. It is wonderful.

For most of us, when we see something that is beautiful out there, or not beautiful as what we think, we always touch them and try to convert them into the way we think. It’s more beautiful, nicer. We are always correcting, converting to try to make things better. Slowly we believe we have the power to fix things. Then we never respect the nature at all.  Ma Sa Op Ue is the special mantra for us to totally surrender to the nature of how things are, to enjoy our life, surrender to enjoy life. Surrender to the nature to discover all created equally, and beautiful.  There is no need for us to run around an make ourself ourselves busy to change other people to convert them to be the way that we want. It is beautiful to surrender. To receive, to welcome, to be with how they are. Ma Sa Op Ue connects us with all Buddhas. From there we have a special guaranteed protection energy. In life we always face a lot of temptation. It gets into our nerves, our minds, our thoughts, our life. Then break us down. We all need a special protection. Ma Sa Op Ue is the awakened protection. When we are fully awake, not just does the Buddha protect us, be we also have the right wisdom which is a special protection from ourselves in order to enjoy life. So, every time we are chanting the mantra Ma Sa Op Ue we open our mind and we welcome all the Buddhas to guard our life, to protect our life and our loved ones. The very good energy will be surrounding us. To prevent any evil thought, negative energy to damage and to push our life down.  It is good for us to stand up tall and strong to enjoy life. But as a human being, we somehow create so many sins that weaken us. Ma Sa Op Ue will help us recover our true power. The power of love, the power to see each other and treat each other equally.

This is starting the third year that we practice. Mediation does not mean receiving information to understand but it is about practicing transforming to be and to live with. It is very special for all. We have been working to maintain our minds, our thoughts, our lives in a very good karma. Maintain a special connection with all the awakened ones already. We have been practicing to look deep into every action, every thought to clean up, and also to know ourselves better.  This year it is good for us to receive this special initiation to keep moving forward with our loved ones and our families.

We enjoy the spring after a long winter even though here in Minnesota the snow is still out there, and the weather is cold. But early in the morning I am already enjoying the birds singing to welcome the morning. It is beautiful.  Ma Sa Op Ue very much means bring the spring into our lives after a long sleepy season. Let’s wake up, lets always be awake to enjoy our life. Ma Sa Op Ue helps us maintain the awakened energy. Every one of us will have a special experience where the Buddha will come to us and our families to protect us. We will feel a very good energy will always be with us, and prevent the evil energy, actions and thoughts to break us down. We will be stronger. We all will be stronger every second that we practice. We will be able to enjoy our lives no matter what is happening. That is what is special about this third mantra. We promise to continue to practice the whole year with this mantra. We are very serious to practice, not just listening to something new. We are serious to practice every Saturday and carry it out every day of our lives. Two years are gone. The third year is here. All the Buddhas keep motivating us to keep practicing. Together I will be with you all the time to practice. No matter what happens, the last two years we faced so many difficult things: Covid, pandemic, and economic downturn, but however, we never give up, we still stand up for what we are doing. Every Saturday we meet on YouTube, or Facebook. I am grateful that you make the commitment to practice. It is good to reach out to our friends and family to introduce what we have been doing and it is good for us to live with what we are practicing. It has been long enough to understand what the benefit of mediation.  We practice, clear up our minds and humble ourselves and ask for the special initiation from all Buddhas to transmit to our life in every second that we are breathing in and out. Let the mind to be humble. Let’s receive the awakened initiation from all the Buddhas. Let the awakened energy of the Buddhas transmit to our lives now.

May all of us receive the blessing from all the Buddhas and receive the awakened initiation to protect our lives and our loved ones.  May all sentient beings be free of suffering and be treated equally.

We breathe in expanding our belly, hold it right there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. We breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa,   Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, Ma Sa Op Ue (7x)

Let’s practice together and lets stick together and transform our life together. Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend. Make sure you get our and work with your garden for those who are in the Maryland Temple, please take care of all the gardens there and I will enjoy to see all the flowers and the new plants. Thank you.



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