
This is the time for us to practice meditation together on Saturday. Please Sit down in the way that you feel comfortable. Relax. Let us begin.

Na Mo Shakyamuni

Together we pray for the special blessing that for all the leaders around the world understand the war is not good. Create a lot of suffering for all human and sentient beings. May Buddha bless them for them to understand clearly, and stop the war and create peace.

Put your right hand on top of the left hand. Relax. It is really important for every one of us to just relax on Saturday. And fill with the entire body. Allow ourselves to connect with the universe. Being one with the nature. Now we are going to go with the mindfulness breathing techniques with the compassion and wisdom mantras. It helps us connect with all the Buddhas and receive a very good energy to refresh, reform and renew ourselves. We offer our merit, our positive energy, to all those who suffer now. We breathe in, expanding our belly, hold it there for three seconds, we concentrate on the heaven gate point. We breathe out, sunken our belly, chanting the mantras:

Mu A Mu Sa    Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Just Relax. Just follow the breathing techniques, in and out slowly, in silence. Listen to our body. Listen to our feelings. Listen to our thoughts. Be aware of our sensations. Time for us to set ourself to be free. Not need any interruptions. Don’t need anything to drive ourselves to achieve anything. Just relax. No matter what is the title in life, that given to you we let go all. We need not think to carry on. We chop down. We relax. We don’t need anything from anyone that made us to be special. We are very special as we are. A weekend for us to let go of everything.  Be one with the nature. Don’t’ let things that make you busy separate you from the nature of your own. Let’s rejoin to be with the Buddha nature. Cultivate with all the enlightened ones. Together like the very special network we connect together. We put away all our differences.

Lets allow the compassion energy to flow within all of us. Let’s allow the light of the wisdom from all Buddhas light up within us. Let’s just see the feeling, the thought, lets just be with that feeling only.

Question, “Why our Way but not their way?”

We always stand for what is mine, we separate ourselves from others. We protect ourselves in the other side we could care less. Therefore the conflict between one and another is slowly created. The energy of not understanding there is no sympathy with each other. It increases up, get bigger and blows up in front of us and makes everyone suffer. We follow the Buddhas’ teaching, not our way or their way, but the middle way, where both sides can sit down together and make a very good conversation with tea, coffee, cookie, that we enjoy together, and together we work out to make peace within to benefit all. The mindfulness breathing technique brings us back to be with the middle way where there is no conflict between each other. No I, no ego, no Ignorance. The wisdom light from Mantra #2 is the special extra help for us to see through. It is very helpful. Every one of us can maintain a very good positive energy to transform all our darkness within for us to understand each other well. Living in this world Buddha says is all very special because we are all connected together with compassion and wisdom, none of us are alone, we are all connected together. One energy could improve others. Therefore everyone of us is responsible to remain a good energy within to create peace for ourselves and others. We should understand that there is not just one way, but a way for all, for universal peace. Mindfulness breathing techniques and the mantras get us back to the middle way to share, to love, and to care for all.

It is really important for us to fill ourselves with compassion and wisdom. We never loose it. We just turn our back against it. But now we open our hands and welcome it back and wake it up for us to be. Together, every moment of our lives we practice and share. Let’s look at each other with love and care. The true love and true care for all to be happy. Don’t cling, don’t attach to anything. So we can be together. No matter how many differences, no matter how we are, the true love that created and reconnected us back by practicing compassion and wisdom meditation helps us to be increasing our capacity of loving kindness.

Let the compassion and wisdom energy flow within your body, mind, and spirit. Don’t be shy at all. Just let it connect with all the people we love and care for around the whole world. Let’s see through the darkness of the evil that created the war, and let’s bless all. Let’s bless all with compassion and with love. Peace to all. We really need it. Everybody really needs peace, no war at all. We don’t have to show our muscles. To stand strong. The strongest energy is compassion and love. Not muscles and fighting for every interest that we claim is ours. The last day of our life, the last breath, there is nothing to fight for that we can carry with us. So why do we have to fight? Nothing belongs to us except wisdom and compassion. Those two good energies is for us to be existing forever, never gone. Let’s think about our loved ones, and think about everyone who is suffering. May all the Buddhas bless us. May all of us connect with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and receive compassion and wisdom energy that we could offer to all. May all who suffer because of the war be healed. May all the evil thought be transformed by love. May all who are angry be calm, and relax. Every one of us could make the whole world different if we turned back to the Buddha nature and from there we connect with all and we offer our energy to all. Very special. Not need to do the big thing to be the hero to stop the war, but just be humble as a small individual, sitting down with mindfulness meditation, connect with all the Buddhas and connect with all people with love. Let’s forgive. No matter what has been done wrong. Offer to everyone the compassion and light up the wisdom in them for them to know that we still love them no matter what.

Don’t ever  attach and hold on for just our way only, but not there way. Why? If there is no I, there is no our, there is no theirs, we are all together, we are all together within the Buddha nature. That is the only way for us to stop creating suffering and transform our suffering.

Now we go back to the breathing techniques. This time I as all of you, together with me, connect with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and let our mercy energy, our compassion energy, our wisdom energy, and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, connect to all people around the world. Together we say clearly, stop the war. Peace to all.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa   Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Thank you for practicing with me every Saturday, and I ask you to practice every day for at least five minutes.  We really need it to help stop the war and create peace for all. Have a wonderful weekend, and don’t forget to practice. Thank you.



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