
2034. Just Watch with Open Mind | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Good morning.  We just do meditation with the wisdom and compassion from all Buddhas to bless our life. Time for us to do it now. Just sit down comfortably and let go of everything and just be with your breath and let’s begin.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion and wisdom energy from all Buddhas from the ten directions. May all be peaceful, happy, and healthy.

Let’s put the right hand, the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, we call the compassion hand. The breathing technique is very simple. You breathe in through your nose, you carry it down to the lower body. You expand your belly. Then you hold it there for three seconds. Use your mind to concentrate on the heaven gate point which is right in front of the ending bone. Then you breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the first mantra Mu A Mu Sa which means compassion and we repeat breathing in and out and chant the second mantra which is the wisdom mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. We focus on the wisdom and compassion throughout our mindfulness breathing technique. While you do it just relax and observe the energy flowing within you. Through the wisdom and compassion, we engage with all Buddhas from the ten directions that is helping us to connect with all of our loved ones to share our merit energy to bless every body in the entire universe.

Let’s do it.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa  Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

We remain silent and keep doing the breathing technique and chanting inside your mind. When we do the chanting mantra mindfulness meditation that works together between the mind the body and the spirit. What is spirit working with us that by connecting with all the Buddhas to receive the wisdom and the compassion all the way that we practice meditation. It is just like you are driving around, you always need to stop by the gas station to fill up with gas. Think in a very simple way. All the enlighted ones, the Buddhas in the ten directions is just like the gas station around us. We stop by to fill up our tank of gas and be ready to go. Just think in a very simple way. Just that. Don’t have to dig into the meaning. You know gas is needed for our car. Physically and mentally we always need the good energy. The gas station from the Buddha provides us with the good energy to move. So when we breathe in, we move it down lower in the body, hold it there for three seconds. The physical body naturally absorbs the energy and converts it to heat that warms up our body. As we chant the mantra Mu A Mu Sa and Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. The sound goes deep from our lower body vibrating to the top of our head. At the same time as we are breathing out creating a vibration though our body. Every cell will receive the energy with this special vibration that we all recognize is helpful and good. We call it good exercise from deep inside toward the outside physically.  Mentally, we receive the good vibrations from the Buddha and the energy helps our mind to purify and clear up all the negative energy which is still there. WE need to purify the energy for us to be healthy. This is the practice which purifies our energy and also helping the energy to move around and transform all negative energy. By just doing so, we are going to be healthier every day. Our mind slowly clearer for us to see the true meaning of life.

What we are talking about today is to “just watch with and open mind”. Naturally we just resist or reject what we don’t know. However, with the open mind, just like the universe, unlimited. That is able to hold everything within. The open mind allows us to have a good chance to enjoy and see all differences with no judgement. The judgement is created by what we see is different from each other it effects our feelings. Some match with what we want, our desire, we feel good. But that never lasts forever. Always doesn’t match and then creates the bad feeling. We get upset, sad, unhappy.  Happiness and unhappiness, peacefulness, or anger or whatever feeling is driving us every day if we don’t open our mind to watch with the compassion that the wisdom is lighting up. We always belong to the feeling and sensations which make us where we cannot even control our life. Within the family every individual has a different way of doing things. Community, society, so different. We cannot convert people and force people to do what we want. But we can open our minds to accept. We meditate to watch with an open mind and receive the compassion energy to light up the wisdom to be peaceful.

It is very good for us to think about that because within a couple of weeks, thanksgiving is coming. Time for us to appreciate and be thankful for all people around us, especially our parents, our husband who dedicates his entire life for the family, wife who is there for us all the time, our children our friends, our teachers our Sangha our community. We don’t wait for the moment to come we call Thanksgiving, but we prepare mentally and peacefully that we offer to all from now till that day rather than just wait and then gather together and hurry and run into the more that we call Black Friday to just grab whatever and pay for it.

There is a certain time that we have to stand still to watch and evaluate and celebrate thanksgiving with a good meaning. We all make the good choice to generate and cultivate our merit energy connected with the Buddhas and offer it to our loved ones, our parents, the community. By practicing we watch every moment in our life with an open mind, by the compassion and wisdom by no judgement at all. Stay still in a very peaceful stage. Meditation is what we do every Saturday it is a special technique to prepare us to help our mind to be really opened up.  Not just us. Everybody has done something wrong and right. But after that we sit down and meditate, and we see it clearer. We let it go. We move on. Meditation helps us to open the mind really to see through ourselves. We are able to see clearer every action, word, and thought. We will evaluate and make a greater choice to have everyone reach out with an open mind to maintain the highest quality of living in a peaceful way.

The mantra Mu A Mu Sa is the center piece of the practice which we connect with all the Buddhas to help us to receive a greater compassion energy flowing around our life. Just remember in a very simple way. All the Buddhas are just like the gas station. We need gas to move. Just come to the Buddhas and say I want to fill in my gas tank full. We will receive a good energy from the Buddha. If empty we refill again, and again, and again. That is why we practice. The more we fill the more we keep driving until our mind fully opens up and we transform all of our attachment.

Let’s together well prepare for the Thanksgiving to come that we offer to all our loved ones. For our parents to be living still in healthy way. For our family, husband, wife, children, and friends, always be happy and healthy, peaceful.  Therefore, when we are breathing in and out make sure you open your mind and watch whatsoever is happening to your physical body or your mind. Just watch with an open mind. Observe it. Allow the energy to flow. All the vibrations to move from one to another. Shaking your entire body, purify your negative energy and help you be in touch with the positive wisdom and compassion energy which will help a lot for our life.

Just watch with an open mind is what we focus on today. So, we practice for a whole week from today until next Saturday. Which means we are practicing watching everything happening around us with and open mind. Make sure you are lighting up the wisdom by chanting Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, and open the compassion from all the Buddhas. When we watch we can see through and watch with an open mind and allow the compassion energy to flow and bless everyone within. Peace to all and happiness to all. Let’s center our mind and still with the breathing technique now.

Together we cultivate the greatest energy, compassion, and wisdom, that connects with all the Buddhas from the ten directions. Now we do the breathing technique. Just watch the entire activity from us and from others and bless all. Bless all of them.

Let’s breathe in. Expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, together we chant the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa – Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Just be silent observing the energy. Every Saturday we do the meditation to connect with all the Buddhas and connect with our families through the merit energy. We don’t wish, but we really work to make it happy. Which means for our family friends to be peaceful happy and healthy. We practice transforming. We really work on that. Not just study for fun. But we take it seriously to transform all. Even though it is only Saturday that we practice together. The energy will be connected and remain for the entire week through every day doing things, working, doing things in our life. The energy is still there and we connect with each other.  Keep and open mind accepting each other how they are because we connect with the Buddha and receive the wisdom and compassion energy. From there we are connecting with all people with an open mind and not allow any kind of negative energy create any kind of feeling to distract us and make us suffer. We really practice for that goal. We wish that everyone understands and takes on the practice no matter who or how we are. If you see the video again and practice or be in touch with us through the phone. You can practice through YouTube or Facebook. Once again thank you so much for practicing together.

Bless you all. Thank you.



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