
2029. Breath and Breath | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Good morning all my friends on YouTube and Facebook.  Today is Saturday. Time for us to get together and practice online meditation. Let’s begin.

Nam Mo Shakyamuni Buddha. Mu A Mu Sa – Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

May all sentient being be free of suffering and receive the compassion and wisdom from all Buddhas in ten direction.

Put your right hand in your left hand, Wisdom, and compassion, and sit comfortably.  Just relax. A like to say again we practice meditation to empower ourselves to center our life to be in touch and cultivate our spirit, mind and body together in a very strong connection humbly. 

There are two mantras that we practice together with the mindfulness breathing technique. For those today is the first time, you just practice and follow. The first mantra, Mu A Mu, Sa means compassion.  Mindfulness breathing techniques together with these mantras chanting will improve the compassion energy connection between all of us with the Buddha, the enlightened one. The one who practices will fill with the energy, the energy will flow within you body and you will feel the vibrations vibrate around. Unlock your energy and flow within you body. The second mantra we call the wisdom mantra: Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng, help you increase us the light of wisdom for you to see through all of your struggles for you to see clearer every day.

Most important is the energy which helps us to be healthier and to understand ourselves better every day. That is why we practice meditation to know ourself much better every day. We love and care about ourselves.

When we breathe in, we breathe through the nose can carry down to the lower body, expanding the belly. We hold it right there for three seconds and then we concentrate on the heaven gate point which is in front of the tail bone. Then we breathe out sunken the belly,  chanting the mantra.

We do our best. Don’t push too hard. Just relax.  No matter what when we practice it really really helps us to find ourself much more clear every day.

As a special benefit for all we think about our loved ones, our parents, our family, our friends, our self. Our community.  All.  We connect with them all. We offer our merit energy to all.

Let’s do the breathing technique together.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken the belly chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa – Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

You just keep meditating and do the breathing technique slowly. Relax and concentrate on your breathing techniques conscious of the energy. 

What we say about today is Breath and Breath.

Buddha says just learn to be with all your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. Our breath is really important in life. But in many situations when things happen we forget. Mindfulness breathing techniques is the best. What Buddha found and suggested us to practice. For many years, not only me, so many grate masters after Buddha, and people who practice mindfulness breathing techniques especially with chanting the two mantras we just recieted helps us to center our life and stabilize our thoughts. It helps us to be healthier.  This is very special. Of the combination of the breathing techniques and the mantra.  The mantra: Mu A Mu Sa we call the compassion mantra itself it connect us with the Buddha and helps us receive a great compassion energy with the Buddha with the mindfulness breathing techniques transforms us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Helps us gather our good energy to stabilize our life. To heal physically, and purify our thoughts. We all know every day goes by so many activities. So many associations between us and others. Associate each other through all kinds of activity. Some are very peaceful, some not very peaceful. Some very mindful, some not. That is very natural as a human being. If we practice mindfulness mediation together like what we do. It helps us a lot to heal and to have good thoughts in life. Positive thoughts. For those who are very easily to suffer or whatsoever happens out there. When we practice like this we will become a doctor ourself to take care of our own. We need to take care of ourselves in order to help each other.  We cannot say I help each other but I forget to help myself. Breath, and breath. Just keep doing that and let your mind be one with that it is very helpful.   For one very easy, very sensitive people. Easy to get hurt, easy to feel this way and that way. It is just because we cannot balance our energy within. Therefore, no matter what kind of energy is out there it will interfere with ourself and make us feel bad. There is no need for us to feel bad all the time. We need to live a good life. We make a good choice to live.  Buddha suggest us, life is only one time now. Don’t expect a second life. Live right now, make a good choice to live in good health, happy and enjoy.

Not talking about religion, just thinking about how to improve our life to be good to all our loved ones. So our technique, when you breathe in and out and chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa and Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng. We really connect with the energy, connect with ourselves, to not get lost in all kinds of wonder, thoughts, or whatsoever happens so quick or fast, we get crazy.  You know we sometimes get crazy, and we don’t know what to do. Our mind wanders somewhere else. The reality of whatever is happening here we cannot get in touch with. It is ok. We practice to reconnect with ourself to live.  One other thing that is very important. We increase more positive energy that we could offer to others. To our loved one.  All our loved ones really need good energy to start their life. All the time every day. Maintain a good energy for ourself and also maintain that highest quality of living energy that offer to others is good. It makes us feel good.

So what we are talking about today, don’t move away from your breath. Breathe in and out. Of course, every one of us knows how to do the breathing But however, to keep the mind there, chanting the mantra. Act in to make it better. Act in to improve for better. It is ok to do. It is good to practice something that you never practice. It is good to allow yourself to experience to know if it is good or not after that. For what I know for myself for many years. I see it has benefitted me a lot, and a lot of my friends who I have introduced and practice together with them. My master told me, no matter what happens just breathe. Keep your breathing technique together with the Mantra you will be ok. I remember what he told me. In my life when I face a lot of trouble, I was a trouble maker, I remember what my master told me, I get back to the breathing technique. No matter what trouble I created, I finally realize it is my mistake. Then I fix it. Then I feel much better. No still, I still make a lot of trouble and a lot of mistakes, but by practicing and chanting the two mantras helps me to realize faster, quicker, for whatever I do wrong, for whatever trouble I create, I limit it, and stop and transform. Practice and practice. You know, breathe and breathe. Breathing in and out, in and out reciting the mantra like you are singing it every day. You will be fine and wonderful. You will have a special experience which offers you a very clear mind to make a good choice for your life. Take a moment every Saturday to practice with me together just like a good network we practice together. We share the energy together. Every one of us no matter where you are all connect together with the pure compassion and wisdom energy from the Buddha.  Once a week is good enough for those who are very busy. More than once a week is good. 

It is good to spend 5 minutes every day. It increases up when you get used to. Take more time to be with what is good. You know for those who this is the first time to see this video, practice. If you need more information come to us we will practice together.

Let’s do the breathing technique again. Relax, and fill with the energy that you receive from all Buddhas in the ten direction and allow it to transform into your body and let it flow like the water. No mater how your body reacts, let it move, left to right, right to left, just be with it. Allow the energy to be free to flow. The energy will unlock all the negative energy stuck somewhere in your body and enlighten yourself for you to be happier every day of your life. All I want for you is to be happy. Let’s practice. Let’s do the breathing technique together with me.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and may all our loved ones, our parents, our family and friends, community, all be happy, be healthy, peaceful and mindful. All receive a good energy and connect with each other and purify all negative to be positive. Let’s humble ourselves and breathe in and breathe out. Just breathe to receive the energy from the Buddhas.

Breathe in, expanding the belly, hold it there for three seconds, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the mantra:

Mu A Mu Sa – Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng (7x)

Dear all friends, that’s all we do every Saturday.  Thirty minutes, but very helpful. I never try to convert of introduce a new religion called Buddhist. I try not to give you any kind of Buddhist doctrine. All I want to do is practice meditation for health  Purify our spirit to have a good mind in life.  I want to share with you what has benefited me for many years. If you are interested take on the practice. Give yourself a shot. You will see the difference. You can call me at 3017921095 or you can call my student SuCo Bao Co at 240-551-1923 or you can come directly to the temple in Buckeystown, Frederick Maryland. You can go the  website on the screen  We have any language translations by google translate. It is not perfect but enough information for you to understand. Please take on the practice if you care about yourself. Let your life be happier. Transform slowly. We work together. Thank you for practicing with me. Buddha bless you all. Have a good weekend. Send out all your merit energy to all you love and all you care about. Thank you.



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