
2009: Peaceful Path Is Here | Mantra#2 – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Nam Mo Bon-su Thich-ca Mau-ni Phat

Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

May all the Buddhas from ten directions bless us all for this special meditation together we pray for all our parents, loved ones, friends and community members. We also pray for Irene Cleppe, and Eddy Gear who has a liver problem and waiting for a transplant. With our special offer our own merit energy to all. May all be maintained in a good situation of all whatsoever has happened, that we always are stable, unshakable, and be very thoughtful about everything we do to create very good energy within the family and surrounding people and environment.

Let’s put your right hand on top of the left hand. Right hand we name the wisdom hand. Left hand we name the compassion hand. Meditation does not mean you have to force yourself to do something special. You have to sit in a position that you feel right, or some master book, whoever teach, told that it is the only way or the best. Whatever techniques people promote to be best of the best. That is how humans promote what we do even though we don’t even know because we don’t spend time to practice. We just read, we just learn, we just remember, but we don’t invest into the practice to be. But we love to talk. With us I don’t have to introduce how special our meditation is because more than 40 years of practice of this method I know is very natural. It is not the most important, or most special, but is just be the way of life.

Just sit down. Could be on  the cushion right on the floor, on a chair, bench, sofa, or even on the bed. Quiet your body and mind. Relax and observing the energy be away from all you are feelings, sensations connected with the nature around you. Could be table, sofa, cup of coffee, friends children, family. Connect with all. Whatever you have been around or living together. Return back to the root of your own self. That means your breath. Breathing technique is important but does not need to be forced to follow. Just observe. Let yourself be one with your breath.

The two mantras we learned, the first one we call the compassion mantra: Mu A Mu Sa helping us to connect with all Buddhas from the ten directions to receive the compassion. Just like the rain on trees grass. Living things need rain, we need the compassion energy to refresh, to awake and reactivate the true living spirit here on earth.

The second mantra: Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng means lighting the wisdom passed down from the Buddha. We humbly sit down, go back to the mindfulness breathing technique connecting with the Buddha, and all lighting up our wisdom through the Buddha blessing. We center our mind here, now.

What we discuss today to understand peaceful path is here. It is not somewhere. It is here. That is the very peaceful path. That means sitting with mindfulness meditation and be one with your breath. Reciting the mantra for you to be one with all.

Let’s begin with the breathing techniques. When you breathe in you expand your belly, hold it there for three seconds to allow the energy on mix with the oxygen and flow around your backbone. You focus on the heaven gate, between the soft tissue and ending bone. The Ying and Yang. The oxygen absorbed by our body goes through that gate, converts to a very good energy, follows our backbone to the top of our head and comes out at the same time we chant the mantra. So just be quite and relax, and let’s do it.

May all be blessed and be mindful with the breath and may our peacefulness and mindfulness breathing connecting with the mantra help us receive the compassion energy from the Buddha and lighting up our wisdom to see through and realize peaceful path is here. Right here with us.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breath out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Namo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Namo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Namo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Just be silent, and keep doing the breathing technique, chanting inside your mind. Keep repeating that and stay with the feeling of the energy flowing. What is the most important thing in life? Everybody can name it because we are all different, the most important thing in life is very long if you get together and put it down and is very hard to be matched with others because we are born to be different. That is why it is interesting and nice.

Long ago everywhere the construction people build houses at that time they don’t think much and the technology is not available. So, we need the light in the house in every room. But years ago, every room had only one switch. You had to enter in the front door, there is a switch to turn on the light. But that switch is just used for that room. To turn it off, you had to go back to the same switch. If you leave the room, you cannot turn it off. You know we did not stop there with that kind of switch. Even though we moved on from the candle to the electric light, but we were not satisfied. Finally, scientist, electricians, engineers all get together. They build house with two way or three-way switch. Three-way switch, no matter how many doors are inside that room that you leave the room from, there is a switch for you to turn off and turn on every light. It is very convenient because you don’t have to go back to the original switch. You could have four doors with switches which all turn on and off the lights. That is wonderful. You know not just that, in order to save energy, sometimes we turn on the light we forget to turn off, and we have to pay for because the light is still on burns up the energy. The engineers and scientist, sit together and get a new idea. It is ok for us to just step into the room and the light turns on, or the light turns off when you leave. Finally, we got that we call a sensor switch. Most put in the room even in the rest room. Every room that you like to save energy, we slowly convert from the candle to the switch, and sensor switch. Now we have a free hand, we don’t have to turn on, as long as we step into the senor for the motion to turn on. When there is no motion, it turns off.

I am not an engineer, or scientist, or construction people that construct your house. But let’s learn from the best architecture we call the Spiritual Architecture. The Buddha Shakyamuni. Thousands of years ago he found the senor switch, as soon as we step into the room, the Buddha nature room, the energy from all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will connect with you in the Buddha nature room. Turn on the wisdom light and let the compassion energy connect with you. You don’t have to turn on and turn off. It is natural, the sensor of that switch we call the peaceful path. Where the peaceful path is here. It is within our Buddha nature within the human life form. No need to seek, to look for, to find, to create, or to beg someone to give. We all have built this special peaceful path switch within. So, when everyone of us recognizes there is a peaceful path here within us we step in with mindfulness breathing technique, with the true mantra we talked about earlier, helping us to turn on the sensor to help us connect with the compassion energy, and receive the special blessing that our wisdom light will turn on. That is wonderful. All you have to do is just relax, once a day or once a week, because the peaceful path is the switch. Every motion creates it. Every action you create mentally, spiritually, physically or verbally. The compassion and wisdom energy from the Buddha naturally connect with you. You may be washing dishes, working on the garden, sitting in meditation, talking, cooking, eating with your family, going out to enjoy, could be volunteering in the community church or temple. Any action, any activity that you be able to understand there is the peaceful path switch within. Then you always receive the compassion and wisdom energy. It is wonderful, it is the healing energy from everywhere. Everywhere you go, every thought that arises inside your mind.

Buddha is the special architecture master. We don’t need to hire him or pay for him to come. We just need to ask ourselves, to accept because Buddha is the big doner. He offers everything he found out to help all of us to transform our suffering to be peaceful. He loved us to be happy, peaceful. He loved to see us healed. Not suffer of any means, any kind. Let’s receive his special blessing through the peaceful path switch within us by the mindfulness breathing technique together with me. Even only on Saturday for those who are so busy. As long as your mind still keeps and understands the peaceful path is there for you. The peaceful path switch is always activated every time you are mindful with all your activity.

Let’s do the breathing technique with me. Buddha, we realize and understand you are the best Architect, the spiritual architect. You already built a special Buddha Nature peaceful path switch within our spiritual home. That is very special because that is the central switch. We need to do nothing but need to enter into this special room with the mantra and breathing technique. Let us receive all the compassion and wisdom, offer our merit, our love, to all sentient beings especially for Irene Cleppe and Eddie Gear, mom, dad, husband wife, children.

Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra:

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Just be mindful, observing the energy. You know just that. My body, my mind, my spirit, filled full compassion and wisdom energy. I feel so light, so peaceful, very happy. Every cell on my body, every part of my body, every thought, every action, every object that I see and feel, I always connect with them. And offer the compassion wisdom energy from Buddha to all to maintain the very high frequency compassion wisdom energy to all. You know especially in wintertime is just beginning, there is we call the heater company sent in to maintenance person, technician. They service the heater to be ready for the winter. In early spring, the AC technician comes to clean up to maintain our AC ready for summertime. All these special technicians all are special person they study, they learn, to have the skill to help us maintain all those needed so we have heat or the cool or whatsoever when the right season comes. I am studied and practiced for many years. I can call myself a very special and high skilled spiritual technician. All the technicians come to serve. I am the servant. I practiced for years and years directly from my master. I studied the technique. I know how to maintain the heater or AC or electricity whatsoever, even the garden in very high profile. To be beautiful and useful. I am your servant. I come to serve you, but not to be served. I am a good technician. Spiritual technician because I care and I love. Sitting with me, being with me, that you allow me to take care your spiritual peaceful path switch to make it work, and still work, and the sensor peaceful path switch still works well for us and all of you and for me too to receive a very good energy naturally, automatically.

I am very sincere and offer my care and love, my own business with not asking any money or payment, anything to give back. But just to serve every Saturday, every day. Every moment of my life for all of you who have the right time to be with me. If you have the right dependent arising match, I love to serve you. I believe you will receive a good energy. You don’t need to think of me, no, the technician comes once a year or twice a year to take care of your home and go. That is for you to enjoy for the whole season of summer or winter. I just come every Saturday sitting here at the Xa Loi Temple in Frederick, MD using the YouTube cannel and Facebook channel to share our compassion and wisdom energy that we all together slowly become the servant to serve our loved ones, Our parents, husband wife, children, brother, sister, and community. We volunteer our life to serve from the very best whatever we could do, like cutting the grass, planting the flowers, or just taking care of something you could for me.

I am just sitting. That is my best skill, sitting meditation, to take care of the spiritual home of every individual sentient being who have the right time to connect with me to be with the Buddha. So I am your servant. Through the service of this servant, that is me, we all benefit together. I volunteer for the rest of my life to serve you. So remember what the technician says. Changing your filter every season for the air to be fresh and good. Changing the filter, the spiritual filter, the Buddha nature is changing our bad behavior, our bad action, evil actions, evil thoughts, evil language we use. That filter is very dirty, throw it away. Put in the compassion, loving kindness filter for us to maintain our peaceful path. The sensor switch, spiritual switch, compassion switch to work very well to benefit for all. Let’s turn on the peaceful path switch and maintain the sensor well. I love you all, and we love each other. Let the compassion and the wisdom energy from all Buddhas from ten directions connected with all sentient beings. and may all be free of suffering and may all be happy. Let us be humble to forgive others and receive forgiveness, throw away the dirty filter, put in the new filter, compassion loving kindness, and forgiveness filtering our energy to refresh our life and to benefit for all.

Breathe in, expanding your belly. Hold It there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Make sure you are thinking about your loved one and offer your compassion energy to all. Make sure your peaceful path sensor switch is working well from now on.

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Da Ra Houng

Thank you. That is all for this Saturday. Thank you so much for all of you practicing with me. May all bless by all the Buddhas. Have a very wonderful and nice weekend together with your family and your loved one.



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