
2002: The Second Mantra – NamMo TaMo TaMo DaRaHoang

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar RA Houng

Good Morning. Today is Saturday. We practice meditation again. Sit down to how you feel comfortable. Relax your body. Put your right had on top of the left hand. Compassion on to of wisdom

Let’s Begin.

Today we talk about the second manta in our meditation system we are using stages of our mind to lift up our spirt to cooperate between the mind, body, and spirit. As you know the first Mantra, Mu A MU Sa is the key for us to reactivate and link with all the enlightened ones. Buddha in many different directions. The compassion energy is to wake us up and improve to a higher quality of life. Spiritual activity is not necessary in the form of Religion, but in human daily activity. Compassion energy is good for all.

The second mantra Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta MO Da Ra Houng.

It divides into four steps. Nam Mo the first, Ta MO, the second, Ta Mo the third, Da Ra Houng, the fourth.

When you are reciting Nam MO focus on the lower body, the second in the center of your body, the third at your throut, and the last at the top of your head.

You recycle every time you breath in. Move from the Lower Part, Nam Mo, Tam MO, Tam Mo, Dar Ra Houg.

Use your intention to follow your body from the tail bone, the ending bone up to the top of your head. By mentally guiding that energy you are helping your body with the energy flow of your health to maintain in a good way that you are away so that what ever happens around you.

Compassion energy flows by the first mantra to follow compassion energy to discover and see through the meaning off impermanence. We all understand it, but we never realize our life deeper to know that impermanence effects our life. We all wait till we want to do things. We never realize our life in all forms exist within all forms. Even the form of emptiness. It is all impermanent within every second. Buddha said by seeing that every second things that we see are never and no longer exactly how it is, it transforms. We can see, we can feel, sensations, they are no longer the same as in the beginning. So thinking that we and understanding those kind of impermanence helps us transform our attachment. Suffering is attached to permanence, and creates suffering. Those suffering always bothers us. In order to transform we have to understand that we need to transform our attachments, then we have a very happy life.

Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng

Empowers us our view to see the truth of all truths, that all is impermanent. So we from now on. When we are reciting. We combine the first mantra and second mantra. After we breath in and breath out. Mu A Mu Sa  then we breath in and out chanting Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng.

We don’t just discuss, but we practice. Practice is important. It is like the farmer who sits in the coffee shop talking about the farm, but never does any farming. We have to do farming in the meditation practice. To improve life. So let us practice together. Because this is the first time that we practice the second mantra. We talk about breathing in and breathing out to combine chanting the two mantras together. Be patient. Just practice.

Now take a breath in to the lower part of your body, expanding your belly, you concentrate by the heaven gate, by the ending bone, breathe out slowly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saaa.

Now you breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there, breathe out, sunken you belly, chanting the second mantra: Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng

By combining the two mantras together with the waking to see the truth energy together. It changes our view to be fully awake to look deep into all phenomena, within our thoughts, or with any physical form, we can see or feel with. WE all slowly realize all our suffering is created by all kinds of things that do not exist just after a second. Then we can just release, no more attachment. Every breath we breathe in and out. Then second mantra helps us to investigate into all kinds of suffering to know the truth of all things to transform.

We do it again.

Breathe in, Expanding your belly, hold it there three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Breath in, Expanding you belly, breath out, sunken, chanting the second one: Naaa Mooo Taa Moo Ta Moo Darrr Raaa Houng

By chanting these two mantras together with the breathing techniques, physically we are filled with the energy, if you discover the energy moving in your body, vibrating, all you do is let it liberate the energy through out your body without holding it back, just let it be, let it be free. Any thoughts that arise just look at it closely with Nam Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng. It is like putting on glasses to have 20/20 vision and see the truth of all. Let’s breathe in. hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, sunken your belly, chanting the first mantra, Muuu Aaa Muu Saaa.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out. Sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Mooo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Da Ra Houng.

Today is the first day we practice to combine the two mantras together with our mindfulness breathing technique to get used to it. The more you practice the easier it gets. The more energy you fill with. We need to remember, without energy, especially compassion energy, we would die. So by practicing this we are keeping our compassion energy flowing lighting up the wisdom for us to be in tough we feel, energy is vibrating, liberating. Just let it free. Let yourself to be. Breathe in. Expanding your belly. Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the first mantra; Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Breathe in expanding your belly, hold it there for three second, concentrate on the heaven gate point breathe out sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Mooo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raa Houng.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the first mantra: Muu Aaa Muu Saa.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Dar Ra Houng.

The more energy will flow. Compassion and wisdom energy combine to see the truth. We associate with energy very well at all times when we practice. This is continuing through out our life. It doesn’t stop. We are focusing on practicing to activate our life to live. So I ask all of you, “Is this boring?” I don’t think so, the more you repeat and practice the more you see things wonderful that you never knew about yourself, that you could connect with the Buddha through the compassion energy. So Just practice. It is good for health, It is good for your spirit. It is good for you to connect with all your loved ones through your compassion energy to transform the negative thought, energy and action.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, Sunken your belly, chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Mooo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raa Houng.

Now you are thinking about all of your loved ones, all your family, and friends. Connect with them by the compassion energy. Together we practice the first and second mantras to light up the wisdom light for all to see the truth, so we it sets down a strong foundation of knowing all kinds of suffering by our actions or the actions of others. Together we transform it to be better. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, Hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the haven gate point, breathe out, chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng

Just be aware of the energy. Allow the compassion energy that connects deep with you and flows within. Just sitting still with your empty thought. On the top of your head is the wisdom candle, Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng, to see all the darkness of suffering which exists in your life. There is no need to push it away. There is need for special reconciliation of all those darkness. Light up the wisdom candle the darkness will naturally be removed. All the suffering will be healed. Let’s breath in again, expanding our belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saaa

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng

We all need to remember not need to be shown up for others to like to talk to see about ourself. But for us to transform in the very quiet and humble to know the truth. We don’t practice because society promotes it like when we were teenagers. We have no standards we have no stable mind. We are running. When you make a great decision to discover the mystery of the unknown exists within nature. So need to be patient and practice. We the conquer mind, unshakeable mind with the special determination to practice to know about yourself. Not say good or bad, but deep inside your mind you know that you discover more about yourself everyday to live comfortable with the true compassion energy. In every action of your life. Therefore you could offer your merit to maintain a higher quality of living spiritually. Then second mantra Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng empowers your mind for us to the the truth of all matter every day. The root of the truth so suffering, then we can turn on the other cause to effect our own happiness. There is always happiness. Don’t live with suffering every day, but turn around to connect with your own happiness and nature. It is not for the outside for people to talk about. But inside for you to feel, to be to live.

Let’s breathe in again, expanding our belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrae on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saaa

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng

Think about those still living in fear, darkness, suffering, receive this special merit energy, to transform their suffering to live in the happiness of the present moment. breathe in again, expanding our belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saaa

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng

There is no need for us to pour more ink to decorate what we practice by language, by talking but there is the need to be humble to see the truth, with the wisdom eyes, with compassion. There is no need for people to know what we are doing. But we need to sit down to feel comfortable to connect with the Buddha. There is no need to talk about what we are doing, but there is the truth for us to know through the practice, with the compassion energy to awaken Na Mo Ta Mo Ta Mo Dar Ra Houng. The truth is there is nothing permanent. All phenomena is impermanent. If it is permanent, we attach to it and we create suffering. We realize it is not permanent, so we release it. With mindfulness letting go, now waiting for the last moment and regretting the past. Living in the moment it is very helpful. Let us pray that all our loved ones understand the truth of the Buddha nature is still there even if the physical from has returned back to earth. We also pray for our parents, we offer our good intention, our merit, our compassion energy. We ask all Buddhas in the ten directions for all of us to live peacefully, and enjoy our life with our loved ones.

Let’s breathe in again, expanding our belly. Hold it there for three seconds. Concentrae on the heaven gate point. Breathe out. Sunken your belly. Chanting the first mantra: Muuu Aaa Muu Saaa

Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the second mantra: Na Moo Ta Mooo Ta Mooo Darr Raaa Houng

Dear friends, the first mantra, Mu A Mu Sa, is to connect with all the Buddhas in the ten directions, to receive the compassion energy.

We practice every Saturday, and individually at home, we practice some time so we are full of all the compassion energy from all the Buddhas within. The spring is here now, we see so many flowers and trees showing up the new life, we call the eternal live. Even though the fall and winter came, the eternal spring still that when the rains come the flowers pop out so beautiful. We are the same. The cold of the winter covers our life with suffering, negative energy, now the eternal spring is emerging up from the earth. Compassion Energy from the Buddha for us to realize, impermanence, suffering, and no “I”

Practice to see the truth of all that. We are finding the happiness stage is still within us in the Buddha nature. Every single breathing technique in and out. Accept from the Buddha and be happy. Thank you for practicing together with us here in the meditation hall in the Temple in Frederick Maryland. Text or call 301-792-1095. I will try my very best to be with you when I have time, to discuss or to share or to practice together.

Once again, thank you and have a wonderful fist spring weekend.

Thank you.



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