
1036: Unlock Your Energy – Mantra#1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Na Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning Everybody and welcome all of you to this special meditation hour. Today we practice together especially because the end of the year is near. Therefore, we receive a good energy and refresh our life with the new year coming.

So now we go direct. You just sit down with the position to make sure your body can move and is relaxed. You can move forward a little , backward a little bit, to the side, to the left to the right. Make sure you have a spring, but not falling down. You sit down in a position that is comfortable if you cannot sit crossed legs, you can sit on the sofa or chair. Just make sure the blood can flow, the energy can flow. And relax your body. Just relax.

I just remind you again we practice the meditation on the mindfulness breathing techniques. When you breathe in you breathe in through your nose, and move it down to your lower body, expanding your belly, and hold it there for three seconds, 1,,2,3, and then you concentrate at the heaven gate point. That is the name of the point. Where is it? It is right at the end of your tail bone. In front, right in that area. There is a pressure point there moving through that gate you follow your backbone when you breath out you sunken your belly slowly you push in. At the same time chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa, along with the breathing technique out. The sound is sounding out from your lower body so it creates the vibrations from the lower shaking your backbone activating from your backbone to the top of your head. So, when you breathe in take in down, expanding hold it there for three seconds. I am going to talk along. You just follow what I say. You just do it. Today we concentrate, collect together to unlock all our energy to let it flow stronger. We realize we always have a good energy within already, we need to unlock it. We have a key at home. You loose the key. And you cannot open the door. Who are you going to call. The lock smith. Coming to open the door for you.  Meditation is the same, we loose the key to unlock the energy. Now we are together, I am willing to unlock your energy to fill with that energy, and motivate that energy to keep it moving with our breathing technique.

Let’s begin, put your right hand the wisdom hand on your left hand the compassion hand. Wisdom and Compassion together. Just right on the body lower part. Make sure you are sitting right. Straighten up and relax.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, Breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saa.

When you are chanting make sure you make the sound from your lower body. Sounding up. Also watching the body, if you feel the vibration shaking your body like a boat on the water let the water flow, let it relax. Let your body flow with that energy. Don’t interrupt it.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken the belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muu Saa.

Now all of you just relax. Keep maintaining your sitting position quietly, with the breathing technique. Just breathe in and out. Just do exactly as I told you. Concentrate on the top of your head. Watch the energy flow from there. Let it flow down to the tip of your toes. When the Buddha is going to activate the energy within you to flow. Observe it. Look deep into your mind to anything you still hold onto. That you dislike for a long time that is going to block your energy. In order to unlock your energy, let it flow. We just remove what it still there for what we dislike, for whatever or whoever created anything that made you angry, and is still in, let it go. We remove our attachment our anger. We are observing our energy, let it flow. We raise up a good thought. We connect with our family with our good energy, compassion energy, our merit. The more we connect with our loved one the more we are expanding our capacity to offer our good energy. The more you give the more you receive. At this moment we are thinking about our loved ones who are still here, or who have already transformed. May they no longer suffer physically, mentally, or spiritually. Just listen to the energy, use your thought to bring it to the top of your head. Thinking of your loved one, generate that energy and offer it to all. Keep breathing in and out. The energy will flow and be unlocked. Remove all bad energy away. All negative energy will be purified. The key is that only compassion will transform all the negative within. There is nothing to do. Just observe it. The compassion energy when unlocked will remove all your anger. It will do the job. Purifying all your negative energy. You just relax. There is nothing hard to push. Just need to sit down and relax. The energy will flow in you. Just receive it, connect it with all your friends. Connect with all. We connect with a good energy and offer it to all.

May all our loved ones and sentient being receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the Ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our loved ones and sentient being receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the Ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our loved ones and sentient being receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the Ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all our loved ones and sentient being receive the compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the Ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

You just maintain your breathing technique. When the compassion energy flows in you, you are physically healed.  mentally, and spiritually are also in the process of being healed. Purify our negative thoughts which mixes in with our desire and creates the very thought that fills our mind. It is good to receive a clear and pure message. But we need to unlock our own energy in order to get to that stage. So let the compassion energy from the Buddha help us to clear our minds. To allow the right thought, the right action. Watching your body, watching the energy within you. We become a good reader. Watching the energy flow. Don’t create it just watch it. Be friendly with it.

We are thinking of anyone who created anything that made you sad. Forgive them. The more you forgive the more energy will flow. Anyone, it could be your loved one, your friend, your parents, co-worker. Forgive. Forgive. WE all make mistakes. We forgive all those who made us sad. Sadness is not permanent. Forgiveness is the gate to allow all our love to flow. We need to forgive all our loved ones. Good energy flow within them. We connect to them very deep internally. We offer that they receive peace, mindful, happiness. Connect with them, thus we are healed We wish for everyone they no longer suffer. We think of everyone in our mind. We unlock their energy for them to receive the good energy for this holiday season. This Thursday is Christmas. We send to all our loved ones a good compassion energy, fresh energy, and unlock their energy by our practice today. We send to all our loved ones a merry Christmas with this good energy now for them to heal and gain confidence to live and for us to be happy every moment of our life. Just watching this energy and connect deep with your friends, your loved ones, your parents. This is a very special gift we send to them. Now we concentrate on our loved ones and send a good energy. Unlock their energy for them to be happy, to be healthy. WE all thinking of them now at this moment.

May all our family, our loved ones and friends receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas. Peace and Happiness always be with them. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

You all make me sad, but I forgive you. Also, I ask you for forgiveness. Let us share the good energy for this Christmas. Let go of all. Unlock our energy. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all regain the confidence to live very happy in this holiday season. May all enjoy life. Be healthy, peaceful. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all receive a good compassion energy. Purify the negative thought. May all be happy together. We send a very merry Christmas to all. May al be healed no longer suffering physically, mentally or spiritually. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there for three seconds, concentrate on the heaven gate point, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra. Muuuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just relax again. Thinking about your family members right now. Connect with them and wish them a merry Christmas and a happy holiday and we send to the the good energy from the practice today. May all of them enjoy life. Keep observing our energy all week. Make sure you are always conscious of how the energy flows. That way you will maintain a very good high quality of energy in your life. That energy will purify all of your negative energy to make your stand up right and strong. Once again for joining with us this meditation hours. I which you a merry Christmas and a happy Holiday. Thank you.



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