
1022: Light Of The Truth – Mu A Mu Sa

Nam Mo Shakyamuni

Mu A Mu Sa

My Name is Bao Thanh, I am at Xa Loi Temple in Frederick, MD. We have been on this YouTube channel for months to practice together this method we call compassion, which is connected to the energy from the Buddha directly to ourselves.

 The compassion energy from the Buddha which is activated and connected purifies our minds and spirits.  We are reciting the name of the compassion Buddha from a very old text, Mu A Mu Sa, which means that we all pray for all sentient beings to be free of suffering and receive compassion from all the Buddhas from all ten directions.

We concentrate on the mindfulness breathing techniques.  When you breathe in you expand your belly and hold it there for three seconds. Then concentrate on the heaven gate which is right in front of the tail bone. Then you breath out slowly sunken your belly chanting the mantra Mu A Mu Sa.

By doing so the compassion energy from the Buddha will activate and connect with your body, and therefor you will feel the energy flow into your physical body.  All you have to do is observe and allow that energy to transform.

We are going to begin right now. We do this every Saturday. Today we focus on “Light of the Truth”.  Let’s lighten up the truth to motivate ourself to lift up ourself to move on to the higher level of peacefulness.

Put your right hand, we call the wisdom hand, on top of the left hand, we call the compassion hand, and let us begin.

We pray:

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just keep maintaining your sitting position that you feel comfortable. Just listen to your breathing techniques, just breathe in, breathe out, mindfully, peacefully, observing the compassion energy from the Buddha merging, connecting with your physical body.

All our suffering still exists within because we don’t see it, we don’t recognize where it comes from. The compassion energy from Buddha, light of the truth lightens up so we can see the cause of the suffering. The compassion energy flows inside your mind, on the top of your head. Your thought will light up the truth. The light will light up in your mind so you can see the cause of your suffering. Also you will be receiving compassion energy throughout your body.

 Let the compassion energy flow through your body, purifying it, washing away, cleaning away. Let it be. Let it be one with. Just maintain the breathing technique in and out mindfully.  Just feel conscious of the energy flowing.

Light of the truth will be lighting up inside your mind. If you see light of the truth inside your mind just welcome it. Just see through so you can see the cause of all suffering. Let go of all. Let the compassion energy flow it away. Be one with the truth right here now.

May our families, loved ones no longer suffer by all causes. May our health be healthier, our thought be clean, our mind be strong. May all who still suffer out there be healed. Peaceful to all. Mindful to all.

May the light of the truth lighten up inside your mind. Let the compassion energy liberate your body, vibrate your entire body. Let it set it free. Let it flow. If you feel with the energy, it is a wonderful sign.

We are reciting 7 more times in the name of the compassion Buddha.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Just maintain your sitting and breathing techniques. And be mindful. Now a days, people are worried, fearful, and scared. We offer the compassion energy and our merit to all so they no longer fear. Offer compassion from the Buddha to all. The light of the truth lighting up inside the mind to see the truth of all causes of suffering and let it transform it by love, compassion, by understanding and forgiveness. Let’s see through. Let’s face it, let’s recognize it. Let’s be one and stand strong and tall and transform it with the compassion energy. Let the compassion energy liberate all your suffering. And here we practice with the compassion energy, liberation energy. Vibrate all your body, mind and spirit. Shake all. Let all the suffering fall apart to purify your mind and life.

Light of the truth will light up to see through all the causes of suffering. Be still with the light. See through all. Transform all the bad Karma, negative energy. Offer our merits to all. The world needs it. Transform from your own self. Purify your own self. Offer light of the truth through your good merit and compassion energy. Incorporate and connect with the Buddha and help all by being one.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

May all sentient beings be free of suffering and receive compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, concentrating on the heaven gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the mantra: Muuu Aaaa Muuu Saaa.

Thank you. We just finished 30 minutes of practicing Mu A Mu Sa. We are here every Saturday 11:30 AM. We practice to activate and connect with the compassion energy. Remember, only the energy can purify our suffering and remove our negative energy. You read books, you read sutras, you read all. But finally we all need to practice. Practice is really important.

 We are here consistently practicing together with all of you like best friends. We love you to spend time with us every Saturday at 11:30 am to practice.  From the bottom of my heart, I send out a great invitation to all. Please join and practice with us online and send this information out to all your friends  who have the right time to be. We will be very happy to have them join with us.

Believe it or not. As long as you practice, you will feel there is the energy. It is very powerful. It liberates your entire body, mind, and spirit. It transforms all your negative energy. It is healing your physical body. It helps you be stronger and refreshes your thought for you to be crystal light in your mind. Light of the truth will be lighting up within your mind.

When Mu A Mu Sa connects and activates your mind with compassion energy, you will see the light inside your mind. The light of the truth leading you to be happy, to be peaceful and mindful with life and enjoy all.  Life is a great challenge.  Every challenge we are not successful, we suffer. Don’t let the suffering destroy your life. Transform it.

Let’s remove that negative thought with the compassion energy and be strong and be one with all Buddhas. Buddha means enlightened. The light of the truth always lighting up within us.

Lets get together like good friends share and stand up tall to be strong. No matter where you are and who you are. You have the right time to meet. If you see through, feel comfortable, practice. Even though you are very far away you still will be able to connect with me and a group of our Sanga who practices here every Saturday. Please join with us.

May all Buddhas bless you, peaceful, mindful and happy. Enjoy life. We don’t need to be living with suffering. We live with happiness, longevity, loving kindness for everlasting. Thank you for joining with us. May Buddha bless you all.  Have a good weekend.



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