
1011: Empower Your Soul – Mantra #1 – Mu A Mu Sa

Good Morning. Hello Everybody.  Today is Saturday the day we are talk to each other and spend time to practice together a special meditation that we are guiding together for us to connect us with the compassion energy through our lives.  Our technique is helping us connect to the compassion energy of the Buddha and reactivate our power within.  Today we concentrate on empowering your soul. By practicing together, we are receiving compassion energy from the buddha so our soul can be clearer and stronger, and unshakable. This is really important for us now because every one of us is facing challenges.  Every one of us should go back and practice, empower our soul, to liberate ourselves, away from all kinds of scare tactics from whomever or whatever is happening. We need to stabilize our live to be able to pursue our own happiness and our family’s happiness. From the family and for ourselves, together we practice and we will achieve the goal.

From our methods, when you breathe in through your nose and move down along your body to your lower belly. Expand the belly and observe it for 3 seconds. Concentrate on the heaven gate point. Where is the heaven gate point? It is between the tail bone and soft tissue.  You concentrate there to guide the energy to flow through there and follow your backbone up to your head and out of your mouth at the same time you breath out sinking your belly.  These breathing techniques are very important. If you do it right it increases your power and It also opens up your pressure points, your Chakra, the energy will be able to flow, balancing your physical body. It heals your body, it heals your mind, it heals all things that make you suffer. If you increase your practice it will increase the healing every second of your life.

So now for those who today is the first time. I hope that you understand what I explained.  I just talk, and now we practice.  We do 10:30 Central time and 10:30 PM Vietnamese time.  We practice with the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa.  You just practice how I perform, and you copy it. Observe the energy where ever it moves. Keep staying with the breathing techniques in and out. Use your mindfulness to see how sensation increase. Then just allow the energy to absorb into your physical body to benefit. The energy knows what to do with your physical body. You don’t have to guide it. You don’t have to direct it. You don’t have to convert it or make the energy to do the way you want. All you do is turn back to the nature in yourself, the mother earth.  Allow the energy to just flow. It will do the job by itself. For those that love to practice with the energy, with electricity in your body. It is very special because these methods help you to be fully awake that you realize and recognize that there is a good energy, good compassion energy from Buddha. Always connected, always come to you when you practice. Then it incorporates with your own physical energy to make you healthier.

Let us practice now.

Put the right hand on top of the left hand and just relax.  Keep your back straight.

Nam Mo Bon Su Thich A Mo Ni Phat

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

All of you keep maintaining the sitting position and keep breathing in and out chanting the mantra, Mu A Mu Sa. 

I try to tell you a little bit about these methods. We practice together in order to connect our physical energy with the Buddha Compassion Energy. When we all practice together, we receive the compassion energy of the Buddha from ten directions that connects to your physical body. It liberates yourself and creates a special vibration. This special vibration will flow in your body. That is a very deep consciousness will arise for you to know all kinds of phenomena which is happening right now in this moment. The energy will lead you to practice a special mindfulness. You are mindful of your energy which is tapping in and merging together incorporating that flow with the compassion energy from Buddha. When you are maintaining your mind stay mindful within the breathing technique and chanting the Mantra.

The Sound of Mu A Mu Sa we call the compassion mantra. This mantra is very special it sounds just like you say it, Mu A Mu Sa. But when you are sounding this mantra with the breathing techniques it creates a special connection that activates the energy from yourself it activates the energy from the universe, mother nature, the Buddha. Buddha is fully awake. We are receiving and connected with the fully awakened buddha to heal ourselves to empower our soul.

 You just look there are so many great challenges around the globe. We need to practice to  empower our soul to stabilize our soul. For our soul to be strong. Unshakable.  Don’t let things from outside shake your soul. It will hurt you. Also make you painful. Makes your health decrease. We need to make our power strong. The only way is to practice and empower our soul.  How do we empower our soul?  We are connected with the compassion energy from the Buddha. Then we are using the pure energy of the Buddha to purify our negative energy, negative thought negative action. We inject into our body a very positive energy from within connected to the energy from the Buddha, for us to be slowly awake and empower our soul to be strong.

 The only way to be strong is to turn back inside not outside. In touch with your soul and also take care of your soul by the compassion energy from the Buddha.  Just by that very simple technique you will be strong your soul will be empowered, and your soul will be there facing all kinds of challenges but still stable. Never fall down. 

At this moment of history all of us need to empower our souls to be strong. Our souls need to be strong; our souls need to be empowered.  And yes, together we practice and together we will be able to empower our soul together.  When you practice together with me together, we all empower ourselves. With the good positive energy that we are connected with the compassion energy of the Buddha it will help with everyone of us to be strong and our soul will be strong every moment of our lives.

Be mindful of the energy when it flows. Allow the energy to transform into your body, and you just be mindful and watch. And enjoy the energy flow within your physical body. The energy will heal your body, will heal your mind, will empower your soul. Once again put your right hand in your left hand and together we will practice seven more times chanting Mu A Mu Sa with our breathing techniques. Be mindful of the energy, let go of all.  Keep the body loose, and upright.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

You just keep yourself maintaining your position and listen to me. We practice like this we practice the energy simultaneously and keep your consciousness constant and allow the frequencies from the compassion energy of the Buddha that flow within your body. 

Remember when you breathe in through your nose you take it deep down to the lower part of your body and you are expanding it out. Then you hold it there for three seconds allow your body to absorb the oxygen and from that the oxygen will be touching the lower part of your body we call the heaven gate that converts into a good energy that flows through your backbone up to the top of your head and from there moving down between your eyes and go out from your mouth when you are chanting the Mu A Mu Sa.

The full circle of circulating the energy that way you are connecting and receiving the compassion energy from all Buddhas into your physical body that creates the vibration, the movement. You are just there for it. Your body can move from the left to the right, forward or backward, moving, turning around. You are just there watching the physical body moving. And allow the compassion energy to flow through your body and you concentrate on that constantly that frequency will be purifying all the negative energy within you.  Purify your body, it is healing your body, it purifies your mind, and it heals your mind, it purifies your thought and it heals your thought.

No matter what has happened in your life that is hurtful or painful now the compassion energy from the Buddha will be healing and it will make you stronger, more powerful. And remember your soul. How painful your soul was. There is something we call accident in our life created suffering still very deep in our soul.  As a human we are all facing all kinds of stuff that we realize that there is something we don’t even recognize. It is still deep inside then it just appears, and then it bothers us and causes a great depression sensation which makes you suffer. So now today we concentrate, and we know that the compassion energy from the Buddha will heal your soul to make you strong and stand up for yourself. We all need to stand strong to have our soul to be empowered especially in this moment of history we offer our merit to all to be healed, to be stable in the soul empower our soul.  We need it.

So once again let’s practice one more time. Put your right hand into your left and maintain together one on top of the other. We will incorporate our wisdom and compassion energy with the compassion energy from the Buddha to empower our soul and also offering our merit to all sentient beings.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient being receive compassion energy from all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly, hold it there, concentrate on the heaven’s gate, breathe out, sunken your belly, chanting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

Very good. Thank you for all of you practice together with me every Saturday for 30 minutes. Sitting together generating our minds to be together we receive a good energy great compassion energy from all Buddhas that fully awakes ourselves slowly every day. Remember, take 30 minutes every day, or just 5 minutes a day. You practice or just turn on this video again. Go to YouTube That Bao Huyen Mon.  and turn on any video that we practice every Saturday. Just sit down and follow the structure with me and just keep practicing over and over again. Then you will receive a good energy.

 Just like today we are concentrating on empowering our soul and I always believe that our soul will be empowered for every one of us to stand strong, to be healthy, Physically, mentally and spiritually. And together with that healthy energy we receive every Saturday when we practice today that we offer our merits to all sentient beings for all the people that now face deep depression of the great challenge to empower their soul with unity and love, with compassion so we can go over, go beyond and enjoy life. Practice together. Remember every day sit down, turn on the video and practice. Just watch that and follow me. Every Saturday we practice on livestream on YouTube. But every day after that you can just turn on the video and practice.

I send out my invitation to all of you to practice together and make this gratitude to say thank you to all of you this Saturday. May all of you always be happy and strong. May your soul be empowered. May you introduce to your friends this kind of meditation practice for your friend to benefit together with what you benefit. Once again, thank you very much and have a very, very good weekend and be happy with your family and friends on this long weekend.

Nam Mo Bon Su Thich Ca Mon Ni Phat

Mu A Mu Sa.  



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