
1004: Be With The Buddha Nature – Mantra #1 – Mu A Mu Sa

No matter what kind of language we are speaking we still receive very good energy through our meditation sections. We speak in English but however you there you be with us you practice you will receive a good energy.

Our meditation  method is a practice is to activate our Buddha nature in our body and mind. So please join with us.  If this is your first time just try it out. 

I am continuing teaching meditation on YouTube every Saturday from 8 AM Eastern Time. And I hope all of you see me and join with me. This meditation came from the south of Vietnam. Today we concentrate to be with the Buddha Nature within. 

I ask you to join with me.  We start in 5 minutes. Just say hello to let me know you are there.

When we practice in person, we can see each other face to face, but on YouTube I don’t know you are there unless you say hello in the comment.

I just thinking looking back it has been a month already. This is the fourth Saturday that we have gotten to practice together.  I maintain my high energy to practice with you.

It is wonderful to that we practice on YouTube.

Hello Eileen and Jim. Hello Dee, you are my very old friend for more than 20 years.

Today we concentrate to be with the Buddha Nature.

In Minnesota we are not going to be able to travel for two more weeks. Eileen can you find out what it is in Maryland about traveling.

Make sure that you find a good place to sit and feel comfortable.  You can sit in a chair to be comfortable and naturally with how the body allows you to be.  Just relax and loosen up you body. We will be breathing in and out, and praying for all sentient beings to be free from all kind of suffering. to receive good compassion energy. Today we concentrate to be with the Buddha Nature within us.

Just Put Your hands together.

(Bell Rings)

Together we pray may all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receive compassion energy from all the buddhas in the ten directions.

Today we are getting together on YouTube live stream to practice meditation together. I remember in the old days when we just founded the Temple in Frederick, Dee Brown and Su Co Bao Co and Jack Buchannan, the Four of us had to practice in the Barn.  It was very natural to be with the nature surrounding.  We were very humble, but we still practiced through the four seasons even in the winter it was very cold.  We were still sitting inside the hall, which was totally empty no windows, no doors the wind freely blowing and carrying a very very cold breeze in our face, but we still practiced sitting.

Today we are sitting here online to reach out to every friend that me personally couldn’t be in touch because of my schedule.  And I hope we recruit a good friend who look up to the meditation to return inward to be with the Buddha nature within rather than looking on the outside.

Today we concentrate on to be with the Buddha nature. First before we practice, I remind every one who is with us, those who are new to know what to do.  We practice with our Breathing Techniques and reciting the Mantra Mu A Mu Sa.  For small words Mu A Mu Sa.  Mu A Mu Sa meaning is that we pray with all the Buddhas in the ten directions that to be with the Buddha nature within us and activate our compassion energy that’s all.  From that we work on ourselves based on the meditations we practice every day within the breathing techniques.

When you breathe in with us you breathe in through your nose and you bring it down to your lower body. It is long or short just follow you body. You shouldn’t try to keep up with someone who has a long breath or cut your breath short. You should just keep with your body.

Under your belly right here expand it bigger when you take in, you hold it there for a second and then you breathe out. You sink in your belly when you breath out.  Meditate right on the gate between the tail bone and the soft tissue in front of the tail bone. There is a special pressure point we call the Heaven Gate. When you focus on the heaven gate and allow your oxygen to get burned and transform into the energy that flows up your backbone up to the top of your head and going out from your mouth. At the same time you are reciting the Mantra: Mu A Mu Sa. 

While you are reciting you could receive a very good Buddha energy, compassion energy interacts with your physical body.  When your physical body senses the energy that interacts, you just allow the energy from the Buddha to integrate with the physical body energy to create the movement which we call movement meditation.  Because the integration between the Buddha and the physical creates movement naturally.  You don’t have to control the movement. Just allow it to move naturally and look deep into that movement.  It is beautiful just as it is. Don’t’ hold it back.

Put your right hand we call the wisdom hand into the left hand the compassion hand.  Put it on your lap and relax. We are going to practice seven times saying the Mantra.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly reciting the Mantra: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

While you practice if you are receiving the energy from the Buddha transform into your body, you just let it transform and it creates the movement from left to right or right to left or forward or backward. No matter how it moves just think it is like sitting on a boat. Your physical body is just like a boat floating on the water and let it move naturally and just watch and concentrate on the breathing and the Mantra.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

All my friends when I am talking you are maintaining the meditation position and continue to breathe in and out and just keep reciting that and just listen to me.

When the Buddha became enlightened, he realized that within every sentient being there is the Buddha nature within.  He was very surprised because long before him until now we all are being told there is someone greater up there and we are just belonging to the one up there plan for us.  Buddha under that influence, philosophy, religion but however when he practiced meditation, he found out that all sentient being are equally the same.  When he became Buddha, he realized that all of us will become the Buddhas because there is a buddha nature within us.

 We practice today to concentrate to be with the Buddha nature within. Within the Buddha Nature there is so much good positive energy that we could tap into that and allow that energy to flow within us to Benefit our physical, mental and spiritual body. It is really helpful because when the Buddha nature wakes up it brings the body mind and spirit together like a triangle. Those energies from the body, from the mind, and from the spirit will be incorporated together with your mindfulness breathing techniques.

The mindfulness practice, by taking in your breathing taking deep down and breathing out.  Make sure when you take it in you breathe in through the nose and down to your stomach expanding it making it as big as you can. And you hold there for a second and Concentrate between the tail bone and the soft tissue right there the very ending part of your body we call the heaven gate pressure point.

The heaven gate pressure point will deliver the energy from oxygen that was burned by the nature fire within to become good energy to flow within your backbone up to the top of your head. So when that energy changes and moves up your body you will feel the vibrations, you will feel the heat wave that flows within you that makes your body moving, shaking, no matter what just let it move naturally.

Now is the time for us to return back to the nature.  Let the Buddha nature work itself.  Look when we were born our physical , mental and spiritual body incorporate very strong and very clear and work together very naturally.  And when we grow up we learn and we take in so many things we slowly push that nature down to the bottom. Time now to flip it over and let the Buddha nature work in itself.

When we practice, we don’t have to direct, we don’t have to create just let it be with the Buddha nature. Let the Buddha nature work it out. To benefit for ourselves. Make sure you maintain that energy with your meditation, and when you are filled with that energy don’t do it just for yourself. You offer your merit within that Buddha nature energy.  That energy wave you offer for all sentient beings who are suffering, especially those suffering from corona virus.

Now put your wisdom hand on your compassion hand and put them in your lap. We are going to be breathing and reciting the Mantra, Mu A Mu Sa, 7 times.  Make sure you receive a good energy and allow that energy to transform into your physical body and create whatever move.  Just enjoy that natural movement don’t interrupt it. Just be with it.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

My breathing technique could be longer than you so when you finish just listen to my mantra and receiving the energy. You don’t have to make your mantra longer if it makes you tired.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

You just keep maintaining your sitting position and concentrate on the Buddha nature to be with that and continue receiving the energy. The Mantra Mu A Mu Sa itself has a power to activate your body, mind and spirit for you to receive a very good compassion energy from the Buddhas in the ten directions for you to be with your own Buddha nature. Mu A Mu Sa has the power to awaken our Buddha nature.  Mu A Mu Sa has the power to activate for us to recognize our Buddha nature within. Therefore, with the Buddha nature wakes up it will flow with the energy and create the movement with your physical body naturally. You just observe that energy within. And while I am talking, or I am chanting you will receive a good energy. Our meditation methods are working with the inner energy.  It is the inter connection between the buddha nature and our physical, mental, and spiritual states. And it connects us with the Buddha nature together from the Buddha and from ourselves. Today we maintain our energy focus to connect with our Buddha nature. In order to connect with – you need to be with.  To be, not to create, to be, but not to make a judgement. Just to be with, no questions.  Just to be with that and allow the Buddha nature within you to motivate your energy physically and activate your mental energy.  That sources of energy physically and mentally will flow together with the Buddha nature energy from all the buddhas and your own Buddha nature will create a good movement.  Remember the frequencies from Buddha nature that connect from all buddhas to your buddha nature will carry a very positive message for us to live every moment in our life.  It is very important that we practice with this energy.

If you are filling with the energy which is incorporating with your physical body and create the movement. Just move left to right, like a rocking chair. No judgement.  Is is very natural as it is.

Put your right hand on the top of your left hand we will be reciting seven more times and receive the energy.

May all sentient beings be free of all kinds of suffering and receiving very good compassion energy from the Buddhas from the ten directions. Breathe in, expanding your belly. Breath out, sink in your belly, chanting: Muuuu Aaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting the mantra: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering and receive a good compassion energy from all Buddhas from ten directions. Breathe in expanding your belly, hold, breathe out sink in your belly chanting: Muuuu Aaaaaa Muuuu Saaaa.

Thank you. We just practiced 30 minutes together already. Our time is done. If you have any questions just make a comment.  I have 5 minutes so you can just give me feedback about how your feel after 30 minutes practicing together. Remember that this energy benefits us a lot.  This creates good merit and a good way of making peacefulness in the world.  We pray for the medical sciences to come up with a cure for the virus. And we offer our merits to the doctors and nurses.

Thank you have a good weekend.

May all sentient beings be free from all kinds of suffering.



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